The lights go on and I look to Barbara for some kind of reaction. There's nothing on her face. Not excitement or pride or even a hint of happiness.


I pull out my phone and text Alyssa. "You were great. Meet me at the restaurant across the street in twenty minutes? I know you need to get dressed."

I lead Barbara towards the lounge. She looks at the closed bar longingly. I'm tempted to spill that we're going someplace with alcohol, but I keep it to myself.


The door swings open and Alyssa steps into the restaurant. Her face is bright and excited, like she's looking forward to my visit. No, it's not a visit. It's the last of this. The end of this awful separation.

She scans the restaurant. Her eyes meet mine. For that split second, my tense back relaxes and the weight on my chest lifts. She still loves me. She still wants this.

Then her gaze moves over, towards her mother, and the excitement drops off her face.

"What the hell?" She covers her mouth like it will erase her shock. "Mom?"

Barbara stands to greet Alyssa. They stare at each other for a moment. Finally, Alyssa offers her hand and they shake.

Alyssa turns to me with a glare. "You didn't tell me about this."

"I wanted it to be a surprise," I say.

She takes a seat next to me, pressing her legs against mine. Our eyes connect again, but I can't place her expression.

I turn back to Barbara. "Wasn't Alyssa wonderful?"

"Oh, yes." Barbara nods and sips her drink.

This is her fourth glass of wine.

"How was your trip, Mom?" Alyssa asks. She turns her gaze to her menu, somehow lost in the description of a salad entrée.

"Fine," Barbara says.

"And you enjoyed the play?"

"You know I'm not a theater person, Alyssa."

"We don't need to have this conversation," Alyssa says. She buries her head further in her menu. Presses her fingertips flat against the pages.

There's a long silence. Apparently these two have absolutely nothing to say to each other.

It's broken by a server. She grins. "Oh my God, you're Alyssa Summers, aren't you?"

Alyssa looks up from the menu with exhaustion. "Yeah."

"I love your show. It's so funny. My roommate and I watch it together every week!"

That gets Alyssa to smile. It's a real smile, and it brightens the whole damn room. "Thank you. That's very kind of you to say."

The server squeals. "Sorry. I shouldn't ask for an autograph."

Alyssa laughs. Under the table, she squeezes my hand. Her fingers are so soft and warm. It feels like everything could be okay.

"I'll see what I can do," Alyssa says. "But, until then, how about tequila on the rocks? A double. And a wedge of lime if it's not too much trouble."

"No, not at all." The server squeals again. She almost jumps up and down as she looks at me. She clearly wants to say something, but she doesn't. "Are you guys ready to order your food as well?"