“Yeah, you did. And I think your little lie saved…his…life.” The last word finished on a whisper, and Holt paled.

Without looking, she knew why he looked like he saw a ghost.

Steven. Watching them. Listening. Learning. Hearing it all.

Holt shifted on his feet. “Steven…hey, buddy. I, uh, didn’t see you there.”

“Steven.” She fisted her hands and faced him. His expression was icy and closed off. “We can explain.”

Steven ignored her and addressed Holt. “Can you, now?”

His voice…God, his voice. It sounded dead. Unemotional.

And just like that?

She remembered why she’d been so scared to let him in. Why she’d been terrified to love him, and need him, and want him. If she lost him…

It would kill her.

Chapter Sixteen

That aching, wrenching, painful feeling that echoed like a gunshot in his chest? The one that hurt more than a real fucking bullet ripping through flesh?

Yeah, that was his heart.

And he wasn’t a cardiologist or anything, but he was pretty damn sure Lauren had just broken it. It was breaking and cracking and dying, because this whole thing? Lauren kissing him, making love to him, inviting him into her bed and her heart while pretending to want more with him? Yeah, that’s all it was. Pretend.

All those soft words and whispered promises had all been a lie to keep him at her side, concocted by her and Holt, and he’d fallen for every single word.

And the thing that made this whole thing worse? Even with the proof right there in front of him, screaming at the top of its lungs with bright neon lights, he didn’t want to believe it. Didn’t want it to be true. An inner voice insisted it wasn’t, that it couldn?

??t be, but that voice was fucking insane.

While he was busily picturing a future with her, and two adorable kids, and a happy life he’d all but given up on…she’d been lying to him. Just like everyone else. That was the worst part. He’d thought she was different. That he could trust her.

That she understood how important honesty was to him.

He’d clearly been wrong.

Holding his arms out, he walked out under the streetlights. “Don’t stop on my account. I’d love to hear more about your elaborate scheme to keep an eye on me.”

Holt shifted on his feet and pushed his glasses into place.

Lauren just stared at him like he was a ghost.

“Well?” Steven asked, laughing. It physically hurt to do so, but it was better than shouting, like he was two seconds from doing. “What lies did you tell me, Lauren? Can you be more specific? Was it the break-in? The things you said that night? Hell, tonight?”

She snapped out of whatever trance she’d been in. Stepping forward, she held her hands in front of her in a pleading gesture. “Steven, no. I didn’t—”

Steven growled.

Holt grabbed her arm and pulled her back. “Don’t.”

“Get your hands off of her,” Steven said through clenched teeth. “And give me one good fucking reason why I shouldn’t kill you, right now, for going behind my back. For making Lauren babysit me. For the lies, and the games, and the—”

“Enough. We get it. You’re pissed. And you have every right to be.” Holt stepped closer, pointing a finger at him. “And the whole babysitting thing? Yeah. That was an unfortunate choice of words. But—”

“You think?” Steven asked, keeping his voice as neutral as he could manage.