“Hey,” he said, giving her a small smile, when he really would rather pull her in his arms and kiss her again. “Morning, sleepyhead.”

“Morning,” she squeaked, pulling the covers up to her chin and hanging on to them with a death grip. “You’re up early.”

“Yeah. I woke up when a truck beeped outside, and I couldn’t fall back asleep. So, I just waited for you to wake up.” He paused. “Which you did. Now.”

She blinked at him.

He smiled back at her.

Swallowing hard, she cleared her throat. “So, uh…”

Cocking a brow, he asked, “Yes?”

“This is so weird,” she finally said in a rush, laughing and scooting into a sitting position. She dragged the sheet with her. “Which is stupid, right? I mean, it was sex. We’ve both done it before. Just not…with each other. You know?”

She was clearly nervous.

“I’m pretty sure I’d remember all the things I did to you last night,” he agreed. “So, yeah, I do.”

Her cheeks pinked. “I’d hope so.”

“Oh, I would,” he said, dipping his voice down low. “The things I did to you, cupcake, aren’t something I’ll forget.”

She stared at him, not blinking, mouth ajar.

He grinned.

Another nervous laugh escaped her. “Yeah…so now we go back to normal, right?”

“Right.” Reaching out, he tugged on a piece of her hair, still smiling. “It’s not like we’re dying to rip each other’s clothes off again, or like you’re gonna fall at my feet begging for more. I wasn’t that good.”

She swallowed hard, her cheeks going pink. He turned her own words back on her, and then laughed. “Uh…right. No offense.”

“None taken. That would be foolish,” he said, tugging harder. “Even if it would feel really, really good. The things you do with that tongue—damn, cupcake. That was like artwork. I’m not gonna lie, I wouldn’t mind feeling that again, despite it all.”

A small moan escaped her, but she killed it off quickly, her cheeks going even pinker. But he’d heard it. “Perhaps it’s best not to talk about that kind of stuff?”

“Oh.” He let go of her hair and stood, stretching his arms high above his head, smiling innocently. She watched him, her breaths quickening and her nostrils flaring, desire clear in her eyes. “Yeah, you’re probably right. And I probably shouldn’t mention how much you liked it when I licked your—”


He laughed. “Right, right. Sorry.” He wasn’t. “So sorry.” Still wasn’t.

She scooted out of bed and tucked her hair behind her ears. “You have to work today, right? And I have to go into the bakery and—”

“It’s Sunday,” he reminded her. “We’re off.”

“You might be, but I’m not.” She let out a short, musical laugh. “I have to go in and make a cake. It’s getting picked up at four.”

He cocked a brow. “You didn’t mention this to me last night.”

She glanced at him quickly. “Last night, we weren’t exactly talking, were we?”

“That’s not true,” he said, picking up his pants. “I did a lot of talking.”

There she went again with the blushing. “Oh my—” She cut herself off, throwing a quick glance his way. “I mean, yeah. I guess you did.”

He knew exactly that she was thinking about. He was, too.