This time, when he moved inside of her and teased her clit, she did it. Her whole body tensed, stars flew in front of her, and she came. “Steven!”

He growled possessively, gripping her thigh with his free hand so tightly it would leave bruised fingermarks on her skin as evidence of this night, and slammed into her, his movements still timed and strong, but more erratic. His breathing increased and grew more ragged with each stroke, and watching him lose himself inside of her drove her impossibly higher all over again.

His mouth caught hers, and she clung to him, letting him take her on the crazy ride she would never forget. When he stiffened over her, his breath whooshing out of him, she was right there with him, coming even harder than the last time. He collapsed on top of her, his arms on either side of her head, and let out a few soft curses. “Lauren.”

She tried to gather her scattered thoughts, but they were all over the place. There was no getting them back anytime soon. “Yeah?”

“That was—” He pulled back and rested on his elbows. He studied her face, still buried inside of her, and swallowed. “Are you okay?”

“Okay?” She frowned. “Yeah. Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“I kind of lost control at the end. Forgot who I—” He glanced at her mouth, then slammed his attention back northward. “I don’t do that shit. Don’t lose control of myself. I’m sorry.”

Lauren fought back the smile trying to escape. “It was great. Everything was…amazing.” Damn him, it had been.

It had all been too good.

“Do you still want me to stay?” He pulled out of her and rolled to his feet. “When you asked me here, you weren’t planning on fucking me.”

“It’s fine.” She sat up and hugged her knees, watching him as he headed for the bathroom. Every step he took was harsher than the last. She could see him analyzing everything already. Coming up with all the reasons why them sleeping together had been a bad idea. Taking the fun out of it. “I’m fine, and I still want you to stay.”

He gave her a hard look, and shut the bathroom door behind him.

She dropped her forehead on her knees and sighed. He was making this weird when it didn’t need to be. It was just sex. It didn’t mean anything. They were still friends. And he was still her favorite person.

The water turned on, and off again.

A few moments later, he came out. He strode to the bed, rubbed the back of his neck, and opened his mouth to speak. Probably to make some excuse or another about why he shouldn’t stay. “Lauren—”

“Am I allowed to move my arms yet?”

He choked on a laugh. “Uh—yeah.”


?? She grinned. “’Cause I already did. Obviously.”

He stared at her, still way too serious. “Lauren—”

“Stop.” She shook her head at him. “It was just sex, Steven. Stop worrying about what comes next. I’ll tell you what comes next. We go back to normal. So stop looking at me as if you broke me, and get over it.”

“What?” He flushed. “I’m not.”

“Yeah, you are. And it’s annoying. I’m not some weak little girl who needs your protection.” She kicked the covers to the bottom of the bed and got out of it. “Would you be acting like this with any other woman you just finished screwing?”

He crossed his arms and glowered at her—still gloriously naked. And she couldn’t look away from the work of art he was. Black ink swirled all over his chest, and arms, and he had one tattoo right below his belly button. A red dragon. It was her favorite one. “I haven’t even said anything yet. How do you know what I’m think—?”

“You don’t need to say anything. I can see it all over your face.” She stalked toward the bathroom, needing to get away from him for a few minutes. He was still looking at her as if she was a fragile thing that couldn’t handle a night in his arms, and it was annoying. “Believe it or not, I’ve had sex before. I’ve even had one-night stands. I’m not going to cry or accuse you of sullying my good name, or suddenly think you’re in love with me because you gave me some orgasms. And I’m definitely not about to fall at your feet like the rest of the girls you slept with, because you had me once—and now I have to have more. So knock it off, and stop being so serious.”

He grabbed her arm as she passed. Despite her words, her heart immediately picked up speed, and her body came to attention. In spite of her words, she did want him again. And again. And again. She was just smart enough to admit it couldn’t happen. They’d had their fun, now it was time to move on. “So you’re going to be able to keep on going on as we have before, acting like I don’t remember what kind of moan you make when you come?”

“Sure. Why not?” Her cheeks heated. “Can you think of a reason we can’t do that?”

“One night.” He tightened his grip on her. “That’s what we agreed to.”

“I know. I was there.” She smiled, pulled free, and headed toward the bathroom again. “So stop looking at me like I’m going to break. You’re not that good, Steven.”

Oh…but he was. He really, really was.