She let her body relax, but it didn’t stop the ache inside of her. The bu

rning desire to let go. He unzipped his pants, and they hit the floor. Thank God. A condom wrapper crinkled, and then he fell silent. She gripped the couch, knowing he was coming back. Knowing he was about to drive her crazy all over again.

He needed to let her come, or she’d die.

“Your ass is red where I hit it. That’s so fucking hot.” He came up behind her, his hand on her hip. “You’ve been a good girl tonight. When I fuck you, you can come. As many times as you want. And you can make noise now, too. Okay, Princess?”

She nodded, a small whimper escaping her. “Yes. Please. Do it.”

“Bend over.”

She bent over more, opening herself to him. He cupped her hips in his hands and made a small sound of appreciation, then plunged inside of her with one stroke. He’d gotten her so worked up earlier that she came immediately, all from him finally giving her what she needed so desperately.


He growled deep in his throat, his fingers digging into her butt as he moved inside of her. Hard. Fast. The pressure started building inside of her again, growing fast. He reached around the front of her and pressed two fingers against her. As he thrust in and out of her, he moved his fingers over her in unison.

“Oh my God,” she cried out.

He moved faster, their flesh hitting the only sound in the room. When he lifted her butt higher, he hit a new spot inside of her that sent her careening over the edge. She came explosively, her entire body going lax. He plunged inside her one more time, and then they both collapsed on the couch in a heap.

“Holy shit,” he said. Pushing her hair out of the way, he kissed her neck. “You’re incredible. You know that, right?”

She swallowed hard, her thoughts scrambled and garbled and pure mush. “Y-You’re the one who does that to me. I’ve never…not like that. Ever.”

“And you do the same thing to me.” He kissed her neck again. “Every time.”

She buried her face in the couch pillow, hiding her smile. “Stay with me tonight?”

“I don’t really sleep.” He hesitated. “Like, at all. And when I do…I wake up and cry out. I have nightmares, Belle. Lots of them. If I stayed, I’d probably disturb you, and I don’t want to do that.”

“That’s okay. I don’t mind,” she said, rolling over and cupping his cheek. His stubble scraped her palms, and his eyes looked even more deep this close. There were little specks of amber in his brown eyes, and they were gorgeous. Like him. “What are your nightmares about?”

“War. Dying.” He hesitated but met her eyes. “Watching my friends die. That day never leaves me alone. It’s the day I got shot. They died. I didn’t. I dream about it all the time. It wakes me up every night. They haunt me.”

“I’m so sorry,” she whispered, her eyes welling up with tears. “That’s awful. I can’t imagine what that feels like. That’s why you got Georgie?”

He nodded once. “Partly.”

“Would he be okay alone overnight?”

“Yeah, I took him out right before I left.” He flexed his jaw. “But I should go wait outside, in the hallway. I’m no good for you when I’m asleep.”

“I want you to stay anyway.”

He studied her, his mouth tipped down into a frown, but then he kissed the tip of her nose. “For you? I’ll do it. But if I wake you up, I’m leaving.”

He picked her up and carried her into the bedroom, bridal style. She smiled up at him, knowing that her real wedding night would be nothing like this.

Nothing so exciting and right.

After they settled into the bed together, she rested her hand on his heart. It pounded under her touch. Lying here like this, with him, felt right. Like it was meant to be. She’d never really believed in soul mates or love at first sight. She couldn’t even say she loved him. Love grew over time.

It took days. Months. Years, even.

But this much she could easily say… She could see herself falling impossibly in love with him. It would be so easy to love him. To need him.

Too bad she wasn’t allowed.