The smile faded, and she met his eyes without any hesitance or shyness. “Excuse me? I barely know you, and you’re my—”

“I didn’t mean it that way. You’re…uh…” He motioned to her tits, averting his eyes so he didn’t stare and get his ass fired. But, man, it just might be worth it. “Your dress is now see-through.”

“What?” She looked down, gasped out loud, and crossed her arms over her chest. “Oh my God. No, no, no.”

His jacket was soaked and freezing, so he took it off and tossed it in the back seat. With his eyes locked on the windshield, he undid the top button on his shirt. “It’s okay. I’ve seen boobs before.”

“Not mine. Wh-What are you doing?” she asked, her gaze pinned on his hands as he undid his dress shirt. “Why are you taking your shirt off?”

“So you’ll take yours off, too.” He shot her a look from under his ducked head. “I’ll even go first, in good faith.”


“Just teasing. Relax. I’m going to give you this to wear so no one sees you.” He paused on the last button, his gaze dipping down her body of its own accord. “At least, I assume you don’t want anyone seeing you like that? It doesn’t seem very princess-like.”

“Neither is being seen with a shirtless man, while wearing his shirt,” she groaned, dropping her head back against the leather seat. “Please tell me you have a shirt on under that?”

He snorted. “No, but men

can walk around shirtless in America, Princess.”

“I know,” she hissed. “But we can’t go to the hotel like this. My people, not to mention my parents, will throw a fit if I’m seen looking anything less than perfect—with a shirtless American man, no less. I can’t afford to mess up right now.”

“We can go to my house if you’d like,” he stated calmly, hoping it would rub off on her or some shit like that. He took his shirt off and offered it to her. “It’s only five minutes from here. You can wear a robe while we’re there, and I’ll dry your dress in the dryer before I take you back to the hotel. No one will know.”

She looked at him as if he’d killed a puppy. “This is Chanel. It can’t go in the dryer.”

“Sorry,” he muttered. “Okay, how about this? Tell your people you’re with me, and I’ll tell mine the same. Tell them…you got something on your dress, and we’re addressing the issue accordingly.” When she didn’t answer or take the shirt, he looked at her. He’d been trying to avoid that temptation, but he was worried he’d broken her or something. “Well? Do it.”

She sputtered. “People don’t tell me what to do. I tell them.”

“Yeah, well, get used to it, Princess. Call them. Now.”

He expected her to argue, but she picked up her phone and made the call. While she made a hurried excuse about her absence, and assured her people she’d be perfectly safe in the company of the guard they’d hired, Gordon texted his boss.

When he finished, he slid his phone into his damp pocket and checked her out again. She still sat there, the phone to her ear, her appearance as tempting as ever, but she watched him now, too. She was focused on his chest—or maybe his abs—and she looked like she was about five seconds from jumping him.

There was no mistaking the desire in her eyes, and there was no denying his own answering surge of lust. It was the elephant in the room that he’d tried to ignore, but refused to shut the hell up.

After a few more words, she hung up, her attention still glued on his chest. “We’re…we’re…good…”

“Princess?” he asked, his voice deepened with desire. “You okay over there?”

“I…I’m…” She licked her lips, her gaze still pinned on his shirtless torso. Her cheeks flushed bright pink, but she didn’t look away. “Oh God. You’re…I’m…it’s so hot in here. What’s wrong with me?”

He stiffened, not liking the tone in her voice. She acted as if there had to be something wrong with her if she liked the way he looked without clothes on. All because she was a princess, and he was just a normal guy. Fuck that. “What’s the matter, Princess? Is it the tattoos that threw you off? Are they forbidden in your country? Or is it that you’ve never seen a shirtless man before?”

Her head snapped up at that, finally meeting his eyes. She looked pissed as hell. “That’s none of your business.”

Damn it, she was right. He was supposed to be protecting her, not provoking her. He needed to get his shit together. “Princess.”

She shook her head, her mouth pinched tight. She looked like her cranky assistant lady. “Furthermore, you can’t talk to me like that. It’s not right.”

“You’re absolutely right.” And that’s the closest he’d get to saying he was sorry. He didn’t do apologies and regrets. “Buckle up, Princess.”

She huffed but didn’t argue. Thank God. He’d known dealing with a princess wouldn’t be easy, but he hadn’t realized just how damn hard it would be, either. Hell, he hadn’t realized how hard he’d be around her.

It was an unwelcome reaction, truth be told.