Her cheeks flushed. “What?”

“Nothing. I just didn’t realize you weren’t allowed to run through the rain like a normal person,” he muttered, running his hands through his hair. He shrugged out of his jacket. “Put this on and wait here. I’ll pull the car up for you.”

“I don’t want your jacket. There’s no time to worry about jackets and rain. We have to go before they realize I’m not with my team. Do you have an umbrella?”

“No. I just get wet.”

“Princesses don’t get wet,” she murmured.

Yeah. He could tell. “You don’t say,” he drawled, shrugging back into his jacket, since she’d refused it. “Ever?”

Her cheeks went even pinker, but that was the only sign she gave of acknowledging the innuendo in his tone. “Ever.”

“But—” He cut himself off, shaking his head. He really didn’t want to go down that road. “I mean, stay here. I’ll run out and pull the car up to the door, and you’ll only have a little bit of rain to regally walk through then.”

“No. I have to blend in. Act normal.” She shifted on her feet and scanned the street outside. It was empty. “We’ll have to make a run for it. Come on.”

He offered his hand. “If you insist, Princess. But at least hold on to my hand in case you slip.”

“Which one is yours?” she asked, still mangling the hem of her dress.

“The red one over there.” He pointed to his car. “Next to the silver truck.”

“2014 Ford Mustang. Nice.”

He blinked at her. “You know cars?”

“Of course.” She dropped her dress and slid her hand into his. “I might be a princess, but I know a fabulous car when I see one.”

He couldn’t have been more shocked if she ripped off her dress and started singing the “Star Spangled Banner” in the middle of the restaurant. “Holy shit. I mean…uh…”

She laughed, making her bright eyes light up in ways he hadn’t realized were possible. She didn’t look like a regal princess right now—she looked like the woman he’d been flirting with in the coffee shop. All woman, and he felt all man.

“You ready?” she asked.

“I was born ready.” He tightened his fingers on hers. “After you, Princess.”

She took a deep breath and nodded.

He opened the door for her. She rushed through it, as if she might be scared to hesitate and chicken out, dragging him behind her. He picked up speed and matched his pace to hers easily enough. She squealed when the water pummeled them but didn’t sound upset. She sounded…thrilled. As if she loved doing this.

As if she felt alive.

He watched her out of the corner of his eye as they sprinted for his car. She laughed and swiped her free hand over her forehead, her previously flawless blonde hair plastered all over her cheeks and neck like a child’s first finger-painting. By the time they reached the car, they were both thoroughly drenched. He unlocked the passenger door and opened it for her, before bolting around the car to his door in record speed. He slid into his seat and slammed the door shut, shaking his head like a wet dog. “That was cold.”

“Yes!” She laughed and wiped her face with her hands. “Oh my goodness. That was so much fun.”

He grinned and turned to her. “See? You have no idea what you’ve been—”

Missing. That’s what he’d been planning on saying, but the word died on his lips when he caught sight of her. She sat in his car, looking every part the straight-spined regal princess as ever, but she was completely different at the same time. Her hair was no longer straight, and her eyes shined with laughter. The dimples were out in full force, and her smile wasn’t as practiced as it had been all night.

It looked real. Abso-fucking-lutely real.

And so did she.

On top of that, her white dress hugged her curves with way too much mind-numbing detail, showing him exactly how womanly she was under all that princess crap she wore like a shield. It did little to hide her breasts, and she must be wearing a sheer bra—because he could see her hard, rosy nipples through the lacy fabric.

She was breathtakingly stunning. He wanted her to be his so badly. He shifted in his seat to accommodate his hard cock. “Fuck me.”