Jake rolled his eyes. “I hear ya.”

“Guys, you need to relax,” Cooper said. “Jake: you need to go tell Tara that you love her. Gordon: are you marrying her, or not?”

Jake shook his head. “I don’t love her. She hates me.”

“There’s a thin line between love and hate. And I doubt she actually hates you,” Cooper said, not taking his eyes off Gordon. “Did you ask her to marry you?”

Jake snorted. “No.”

“He was asking me, numbnuts,” Gordon said. “How much tequila did you two drink?”

“Too much,” Cooper said. “But he drank most of it. I have to go home to Kayla at least somewhat sober. Now answer my question.”

“I didn’t. I was going to… But a prince beat me to it,” Gordon said.

Jake snorted again. “A prince? Seriously?”

“She is a princess, Sherlock,” Gordon said.

“How could she marry you, then?” Jake asked, scratching his head. He sounded a little more sober…but not much. “Don’t princesses have to marry princes?”

“Apparently not,” Gordon said, waving a hand dismissively. “But it doesn’t matter. She decided to marry a real prince instead of me.”

“So you proposed, and she said no?” Cooper asked.

“I didn’t get a chance. The other guy beat me to it.”

“Then she might change her mind,” Jake said. “Women do that shit all the time.”

Gordon closed his eyes and prayed for patience. The normally serious and quiet Jake was neither of those things tonight. On any other night, Gordon would love seeing this side of his friend. But tonight, he could use the serious and smart version of his buddy. “Yeah. I know.”

Jake nodded. “Glad to help. I’m going home now.”

“Wait. I’ll catch a cab with you.” Cooper grabbed Jake’s arm, holding him back. “Since I seem to be the love doctor tonight, I’ll give you some unsolicited advice. Maybe you should ask her even though you think she’ll say no. Being rejected is better than wondering what could have been.”

“Maybe, but she’s taken.” Gordon shrugged. “She kind of always was, even if I forgot for a minute.”

“Talk to her. Don’t wait until it’s too late.” Cooper clapped Jake on the back. “Let’s get you home, buddy.”

Jake yawned. “K. Night, man.”

“Night,” Gordon said.

“Lock up when you leave,” Cooper said. As he passed, he stopped. “And let me know if you’re moving to some small bumble-ass country in Europe.”

“I’m not. She’s marrying someone else.”

“Change your destiny, man.” Cooper left, calling out one last time. “Talk to her.”

Gordon watched them leave, then reached into his pocket and pulled out the ring he’d bought for Belle. It was easily half the size of the one Prince George had gotten her.

Yet another reason she’d never pick him.

“Idiot,” he said, his empty voice filling the office.

“You’re not an idiot,” Holt, the IT guy of the office, said.

“Jesus,” Gordon said. “I didn’t see you there.”