“For your dinner this evening.” He gave her a knowing look, as if he knew exactly what was going on in her mind right at that second. “I’m assuming someone comes in to wake you up in the morning, as opposed to an alarm clock?”

Her cheeks heated. He had a way of making her feel so special one moment, and so spoiled the next. He could teach her mother a trick or two. “Yeah.”

“Then we have to go.” He headed for this closet. “It’s almost five-thirty.”

“Absolutely.” She took a deep breath. “Thanks for last night, by the way. It was the first time I did something that was just for me in…well…” She broke off, thinking hard. She came up blank. “…Maybe ever.”

As she watched, he pulled out a black dress shirt. At her words, he turned to her, cradling the dog in one hand under his belly. “Seriously?”

“Yeah.” She fidgeted with the comforter but forced herself to stop. “I don’t really get a lot of ‘me’ time. Today alone, I’m booked up till almost midnight.”

“I know. I have a copy of your schedule.”

Heat suffused her cheeks. How could she have forgotten, even for a minute, that he was in charge of her safety? That this wasn’t just a guy and a girl, chatting before separating and never seeing each other again?

They’d seen each other naked…and now they had to work together.

“Oh. Right.”

He cocked a brow. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” she said, shaking her head.

He set the puppy down in the hallway and closed the door. “Stay,” he said gently, closing the door in Georgie’s face. Crossing the room, he tugged her hair back gently. “Why do you look like an embarrassed school girl all the sudden?”

“I just forgot for a second that we’ll be working together after…”

“After I fucked you?” he provided, grinning.

“Yes, after that,” she said, her cheeks going even hotter. “Are we going to be okay?”

“Why wouldn’t we be? You wanted sex for one night, so I gave it to you. Now you don’t want it anymore, so I won’t give it to you again.” He let go of her. “It’s simple. Unless you tell me otherwise, I will be nothing more than your guard for the rest of your visit. If you want more…” He trailed off, his hand sliding up her thigh. He stopped an inch above her knee. Close, but not close enough. “All you have to do is ask nicely.”

Memories from last night made her blush.

The problem was, she did want more. She wanted so much more. She just couldn’t have it. Not if she was going to be getting married to Prince George.

“You make everything sound so easy,” she muttered.

He laughed. “Because it is. Now get dressed, because I need to get you home before we start World War Three with your disappearance.”

Later that day, Isabelle sat at a table in a fancy restaurant. She’d spent all morning and afternoon in endless meetings with faceless people, and now the moment she’d been dreading had finally come. She was going to meet her intended fiancé. The man her parents wanted her to marry for the greater good of her country. And all she could think about was last night, and how much she wanted to do it again.

And Gordon was here. Watching.

Looking hot and oh-so-yummy.

She wanted nothing more than to crawl underneath the table and hide until this was over. She peeked over her shoulder at Gordon. He’d changed into a pair of gray slacks and still had on the black dress shirt from earlier. From the corner, he stood watching over her, like some hot Adonis whose only mission was to keep her safe.

And to give her orgasms…if she asked nicely.

She could ask nicely. It’s all she ever did. Princesses aren’t rude. Oh, she would ask him to rip that shirt off and show her all those muscles and abs and tattoos. Then she’d ask him to take off the rest of his clothes and do dirty, dirty things to her…while pulling her hair and making her scream.

He winked at her, as if he knew exactly what she was thinking. That wink made her tremble in places she didn’t even know she had.

“Princess Isabelle?” a soft voice asked her.