“I’m going to spank you,” he said, slapping the side of her ass gently. “Like this. And then I’m going to make you come so hard you’ll see stars. Now, on your knees.”

He was actually going to lay hands on her? Spank her like a dom or something? She’d heard about men like him, but in her life? They didn’t exist. They were characters in books that she snuck into her bedroom at night. But now he was here, with her, and he wanted to do these things to her?

Take her? Make her quiver?

Part of her was scared, but the other, louder, part wanted to do this with him. This and so much more. “Gordon…”

He ran his fingers over her butt. “I won’t actually hurt you, Isabelle. Nothing that happens here will cross the line. And if you want me to stop, I will. Right away. All you have to do is ask.” He caught her chin, his gaze latching with hers. “Trust me on this.”

She nodded once, shrugged out of his robe, took a deep breath…

And rolled over.

Chapter Five

Gordon sucked in a deep breath, holding it until his head swam. She wore nothing but a pair of sheer black panties that matched the bra she’d removed earlier. Her sweet ass waited for his “punishment”, and she was his. Abso-fucking-lutely his.

She squirmed, her ass wiggling impatiently. She wanted it. Wanted him. And he’d damn well give it to her.

“You’ve been a bad girl…” He trailed his fingers over the line of her panties, slipping his fingers underneath. “You know what happens to bad girls, right?”

She curled her hands into the mattress. “Show me,” she said, her voice breathless and almost lost in the silence of the room. “Show me what you do.”

He traced her curves and slapped her ass gently, testing out the waters. She cried out, her entire body trembling, and thrust her ass toward him again. “Again. Do it again.”

Damned if she didn’t want more, too. The woman was going to kill him. He raised his hand and slapped her again, a little harder this time, but still keeping his touch soft. “That wasn’t a proper request, Belle.”

She froze. “No one calls me that.”

“Yeah, well, I do.” He slipped his fingers between her legs, caressing her gently, before pulling away. “Belle.”

She whimpered and arched her back, pressing against him. “Gordon.”

He nibbled on her bare back, right below her neck. She tasted fabulous. “You’re so fucking hot right now, with your ass in the air. Waiting for my punishments. Begging for me to touch you. Fuck you. Claim you as mine.”

“Please,” she moaned. “I need…I need…”

He yanked her panties off, ripping them in the process. “You want this? More?”

“Yes, God, yes,” she cried out. “I need more.”

“Please,” he reminded her, trailing a finger down her bare back. “You have to say please.”

“Please,” she cried out.

He smacked her ass again, the sound of bare flesh hitting bare flesh ringing out in the room. Her cheeks pinked under his touch, making him harder than ever before, and she cried out in pleasure. “You like that, don’t you? You like being spanked.”

“Yes. God, yes.” She curled her fists around the comforter. “Fuck me.”

He traced a finger over her slit, grinning when she whimpered again. He’d never have guessed she would ever utter that word, let alone enjoy a good spanking when doled out. She was a pleasant surprise in every way. “You forgot the magic word.”

She stiffened. “I don’t beg for things I want.”

“Then you won’t get it.” He withdrew his touch, even though it was the last thing he wanted to do. “My way, or no way.”

“Damn you,” she snapped, her entire body humming with frustration. “Touch me.”

“No.” He skimmed his finger up her thigh, toward her wet pussy, but didn’t actually make contact. She would give in, but until then? She was getting nothing but teasing from him. “Ask me nicely.”