She shook her head, her lower lip caught between her perfect white teeth. What he wouldn’t give to do the same thing to her. To taste her. He’d bet she tasted like mint. Fresh and clean, all the time. “You say the boldest things.”

“If you say so.” His gaze dropped down her body, lingering on her pink, rosy nipples. “So, are you married? Engaged? Got a cute yodeling boy waiting for you back home?”

She laughed, the sound properly prim. Everything about her was proper. “No. No yodeling boy. No husband,” she hesitated, “and no fiancé…yet.”

“I find that hard to believe.” He gave her the once-over, lingering on all her sweet curves and dips. “A girl like you has to have a guy.”

She shrugged, a lost look crossing over her expression. “I don’t bother with relationships, because more than likely, I will marry for country ties. For unity. For money.” She took a step closer. “Not for love. Love doesn’t exist in my world.”

He studied her, not sure what to say to that. He couldn’t imagine living like that and didn’t want to, but she was okay with it. He shook his head slightly. “You ready to get out of that dress?”

“Yes.” She walked toward him, her steps bold and yet hesitant, all at once. “Could you assist me?”

His mouth dried out. “Excuse me?”

“Unzip me.” She gave him her back, glancing over her shoulder at him as she did so. “I usually have a maid to help me, but…”

He swallowed hard, staring at the bare glimpse of shoulder and neck she gave him as she swept her hair to the side. Her hair had dried a bit, but it was still damp against the side of her neck. He wanted to sink his teeth into it as he plunged his fingers inside of her. As he made her scream out his name.

Damn it, what was with this girl that he couldn’t shake her? That he wanted her so badly? Maybe he needed to get laid, pure and simple. It had been a while.

Clearing his throat, he stepped closer. Close enough to discover how fabulous she smelled. “Sure. Yeah. Right away.”

He unzipped her dress, inch by torturous inch. Unable to resist, he trailed his fingers over the soft, pale skin of her back as he did so. And, fuck him, she ate it up. Loved it. Wanted more. He could tell by the way she kept catching her breath, then letting it out in a soft whoosh. She wanted him as much as he wanted her. As more and more of her spine became visible, he got closer to losing control.

When he reached the bottom of her zipper, his fingers lingering at the small of her back, he moved close enough for his chest to touch her back. Her swift intake of breath hit him like a fist to the gut. She was as attracted to him as he was to her, which only made it harder to behave. Maybe he should stop trying.

Lowering his head, he dropped a soft kiss on the nape of her neck. She gasped and tilted her head, granting him better access. Groaning, he kissed her again, pressing his lips a little harder against her soft skin that time. He released the zipper and spanned his hands out over her hips, holding her in place. Keeping her where he wanted her.

She let out a soft moan, making his dick harden in response. One word. One slight movement toward him, and she’d be his. He’d make her come so many times she’d forget what it felt like to be a proper princess.

She’d never want to be one again.

He straightened a little bit, his mouth a fraction of an inch from her ear. She shivered and leaned back ever so slightly. It was all the encouragement he needed. With his teeth, he caught her lobe and nibbled on it just enough to sting. She let out a soft whimper, her cheeks flushing with life. “Gordon.”

He stepped even closer, his cock almost brushing her sweet ass. “Anything else you require from me, Princess?”

“I want…”

“I know what you want.” He nibbled on her shoulder. “And if you want it, I’ll give it to you. I’m not in the business of denying myself a night of fun if both parties are interested. We could have one night together. All you have to do is ask me nicely.”

“I can’t do that,” she protested. “There are expectations. Duties.”

“Do I look like I’m expecting more than a night of fucking from you?” He lowered his hand over the flat of her stomach, creeping toward her pussy. “Let go of the stress. Of the constant worry about what everyone will think of you if you do something fun for once. I won’t tell if you won’t…”

She moaned, leaning back against his chest. “God.”

“Just for one night, whatever you’d like, it’s yours. I’d give it to you, no questions asked.” His hand went lower, brushing over the line of her panties. “I’m sure you’re used to that, right? Getting what you want all the time?”

Her lids had been drifting shut, but at the end of his sentence, they flew open and she stiffened. She closed her hands over his, stopping their slow descent to her core. “Y-Yes. I am accustomed to a certain lifestyle—thank you so much for reminding me. I’d like the wine you so kindly offered to be waiting for me downstairs, after I get out of this dress, and I’d like privacy, please.” She paused, a slight shiver rippling through her. “Straight away.”

And just like that? The spell she’d woven over him unraveled.

He let go of her, knowing that to her, he’d always be the equivalent of her servant boy, and nothing more. She was used to elegance, riches, and people fawning over her.

She wasn’t used to him and never would be. He’d best remember that.

/> “Right away, m’lady,” he said, his voice hard. “I’ll go fetch it.”