“That, I did know.” After he unlocked the door, he motioned her forward. “After you, m’lady. I’ll hold the door for you, m’lady. Let me kiss your feet, m’lady.”

“Now you’re just mocking me.” She brushed past him. “I might be a naïve princess, but I know sarcasm when I hear it.”

He shut the door behind them and switched on the light in the foyer. She faced him, her hands at her hips, and her see-through dress looking even more so in the bright light. Jesus, she was going to kill him. She wore black panties.

Lacy black panties, from the looks of it.

He fisted his hands. “It’s not sarcasm.”

“Whatever word you Americans use for it.” She waved a hand dismissively. “It’s not respect; it’s the opposite.”

His lips twitched. “Teasing. It’s called teasing.”

“Well, then.” She tossed his shirt at him, and he caught it reflexively. “Please stop, and show me where that robe is.”

He laughed. He couldn’t help it—it was nice when she showed spunk. “Yes, m’lady. Right this way, m’lady. After you, m’la—ow!”

“Stop. It.” She smacked his arm even harder than she had seconds before. “Don’t make me order your beheading for your impertinence.”

“Please.” He started up the stairs, her following close behind. “I’d like to see you try to get me down.”

“You’d be surprised how much I can do,” she said, her voice low. “I’ve got more to me than you think.”

He froze mid-step. “Is that so?”

“Yeah. It is.” She placed her hands on his back, shoving him forward. “Now get that stubborn ass of yours moving—please.”

He smirked. Yeah. He definitely liked this feisty side of her much more than the nervous and cautious one. “Right away.”

“Thank you,” she answered primly.

He turned right at the top of the stairs and opened his bedroom door, then switched the light on. Normally, his puppy, Georgie, would be perched on the end of the bed, but he was at a buddy’s house tonight. Gordon hadn’t been planning on coming home until morning, so he’d gotten a dog sitter. His small room was dominated by the king size bed, and he’d left his robe tossed over the left corner of his pillow.

He stalked over to it and picked it up, before turning to face her with it in his hand. “You don’t mind brown, right?”

“No. Of course not.” Her eyes fell on his bed. “Is this your bedroom?”


She peeked at him before looking back at the bed. “Are you… Are you married?”

“Hell no.”

Another quick glance, but then she glanced back at him and held his gaze. “You have something against marriage?”

“No.” He dragged his hand through his hair. “I just haven’t met anyone I wanted to marry yet, is all.”

She pursed her lips. “You’re telling me that huge bed is just for you?”

“I didn’t say that,” he said, grinning. “I’m not always alone in it. I just don’t marry the girls I bring home, if you catch my drift.”

“Catch your…?” She shook her head. “Never mind. You’re asking if I understand you.”

“Yep. I’m saying I prefer the more temporary arrangements when it comes to passion. The ones of the one-night variety. At least…for now, I do.” He grinned when she stared at him blankly, not moving. “How about you? You like to stick to one-night stands with all the princes you meet at fancy masquerade balls?”

Her cheeks went red. “That’s none of your business. And I’m not getting in that bed with you tonight, if that’s what you’re leading up to.”

“What? No.” He laughed, a hand pressed to his stomach. “Believe me, Princess. If I invited you into my bed, you wouldn’t have to ask me if that’s what I meant. You’d know exactly what I wanted. I’d make sure you knew what I wanted, so you could give it to me. And you could be damn certain I’d give it to you, too.”