A hint of sympathy flashed across her face, but it disappeared as quickly as it came. “Jake,” she said, her voice slightly softer than it had been before.

Something inside him twisted at the way she said his name. It reminded him of long days in the sun with her at his side, and even longer nights spent planning a heist. But the feelings she was bringing out in him now? They were far from what he’d felt for her back then. And having her under his control, pinned down beneath him, was bringing way too many of his adult fantasies to life. She shifted in his arms, her breasts rubbing against his chest with painful clarity.

“Stop moving around so damn much,” he mumbled.

The slight softness in her tone went away. “Let go of me, and I will.”

“So you can take another swing at me?” He snorted and tightened his grip on her. “I don’t think so. I’m not letting you go until I’m damn good and ready.”

Which might be never.

“God, you’re such an ass now.” She dropped her head back against the wall, her gaze still full of anger and maybe even hatred.

He readjusted his grip, and his chest moved against hers. Her hard nipples rubbed against him through their clothing. When she hissed at the contact, he froze. “You only think that because I’m winning.”

Her generous mouth pressed into a tight line. “I’m going to kill you.”

“Good luck. Lots have tried. None have succeeded.”

She paled, but then seemed to shake off whatever had affected her. “You’ve never dealt with me once I’ve been wronged.”

“You’ll get over it,” he said. “You always do.”

“That’s what you think.”

He pressed closer, letting his erection just barely touch her. Though he shouldn’t tempt himself, he couldn’t resist. He hadn’t stopped thinking about her since that night when they’d almost fucked, but hadn’t. She’d been so sweet. So soft. So perfect.

Too good for a guy like him.

If she struggled against him, or acted as if his holding her was truly unwelcome, he’d let go instantly. Instead, she arched her hips experimentally, biting down on her lower lip. Well, shit.

She clamped her mouth shut. “You’d be safer overseas with the insurgents than trying to start anything handsy with me right now.”

Oh, she had no clue what she was talking about. He’d nearly gotten his damned leg blown off over there. Surely she would be more receptive than the insurgents. But judging from the anger blazing in those baby blues, maybe not.

“Hm.” He shifted her in his arms. All he could think about was fucking her against this wall. Hard. Fast. Rough. He needed to release her now, before it was too late. Before he started something he shouldn’t. “I’m not so sure about that.”

When he pr

essed even closer to her soft belly, she tossed her head back, her arched neck showing him more than any other action could. She practically begged him to kiss her there. To take her. He didn’t move a muscle. Not yet.


“I’m sorry I left you that night.” He lowered his face to her neck, but didn’t touch. “Sorry I didn’t finish what I started.”

She shook her head frantically, but her hips moved restlessly against him. “I don’t even know what you’re talking about. I don’t remember—”

“Bullshit.” His grip on her tightened. “You know what I’m talking about, so don’t act as if you don’t. You’re not fooling either of us with that act.”

She exhaled. “It doesn’t matter. You obviously weren’t interested in finishing. You made that quite clear. There’s no need for explanations years after the fact.”

Not interested, his ass. “I was interested.” He hesitated, not sure how much to say. Not sure how to explain himself. “I wanted you more than I’ve ever wanted anyone before.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Then why did you stop?”

“I wasn’t good enough for you. The things I did…the things I liked…you deserved better. You needed better. Still do.” He shook his head, pressing his mouth into a tight line. “We wouldn’t work together, let’s just put it that way.”

“I’ll let you believe that if it makes you feel better,” she said, her brows gathered close. “Whatever helps you sleep at night, man.”