Ignoring him, she continued on her thought process. She didn’t think he’d become a cop. Even he couldn’t have gone that clean. Which left… “Let me guess. Private security?”

He laughed. “Your creepy Sherlock-ian powers of observation are still as strong as ever, I see.”

“Did you expect any different?”

He sighed. “No. It’s actually why I wanted to see you.”

She had the insane urge to run her thumb over his chin dimple, like she used to ache to do. She’d been too scared to make a move back then. Even on that night. Too much of a girl and not enough of a woman. But she wasn’t that little girl anymore.

Maybe he was counting on her still being that little girl, and he was hoping to take advantage of her childhood crush to lure her into some scheme of his. She shook her head slightly and took a sideways step toward the entry. Time to walk away from him and all the troubles he’d brought to her door.

“Whatever you’re selling, I’m not buying.”

“Wait.” With one diagonal step, he blocked her escape with his hard, lean body. God, when had he gotten so freaking big? “We need to talk, Tara.”

She frowned at him, irritated at his insistence despite the way her pulse leaped at his proximity. “Not in here. You want to talk? Come with me. You’ll have my undivided attention outside of this house.”

“We’ll be fine here. The owner won’t be back until tomorrow morning.” He dragged his fingers through his brown hair, making it stand on end. “We’re quite alone, and you’re not going anywhere without hearing me out first.”

“Fine.” Her temper rose, but she forced herself to remain calm. Outwardly, at least. “What do you want?”

He curled his hands into fists. “I need your help with a project.”

She laughed. Did he really think she would pick up where they left off? Happily go on another mission with him, acting as his sidekick? Hell no. She wasn’t anyone’s helper anymore. She worked alone. “I’m not interested. We’re not even friends anymore, let alone thieving buddies. And I don’t work with men I don’t trust. Remember?”

His jaw tightened. He was so uptight and wound up. When had he become so serious? “Yeah, but you have to help me anyway. I’m not asking you. I’m telling you.”

No one told her what to do anymore, but she’d play along to get more information out of him. She fought back the snappy remark that flew to her tongue at his condescending attitude, trying to act as if she weren’t alarmed in the slightest by his reappearance in her life. “I can’t think of a possible reason why I would want to help you.”

He stared her down with a hard, stony glint in his stare. “Because you don’t have a choice.”

“I always have a choice.” She took a step to the left, focusing on the door. Her heart beat a rapid staccato. “And I choose to walk away from you right now.”

He stepped in her way. Again. “Okay, you’re right. You do have a choice.”

“I know I do. Now if you’ll excuse me…” She scooted to his left, but he blocked her for the millionth time. Anger surged in her veins, finally killing off any lingering lust she’d been feeling earlier. She fought the urge to throat-punch him. Barely. “I’m not afraid to kick you in the nuts. Get. Out. Of. My. Way.”

He pulled out an iPhone, not even slightly concerned about the safety of his nuts, and started punching in his pass code. “Sorry. No can do. Now…about those choices. Here are yours. While you were busy watching the people leaving the house, I was busy watching you.” He stopped with his fingers hovering over the screen and his gaze locked on her. “And you can bet your ass that I have a video feed of you breaking and entering this house. Trust me. I got a clear shot of your face.”

No. Just…no.

This couldn’t be happening.

“Show me the proof,” she snapped, her stomach roiling. If he’d caught her…she was screwed. “Where’s the footage?”

He turned the phone her way, the video of her breaking in already playing on the screen. When she looked directly at the hidden camera, giving him the perfect view of her face, her heart quickened so fast it hurt. “Seriously? You’re going to narc on me?”

“Yes. I am. Unless…” He returned her stare, and the heat of his stare scorched into her. But on top of that, she could read a hesitance in his gaze. Maybe even a little bit of shame, too. “…you help me.”

She pressed her lips together. “Screw you. I can’t believe you’re doing this to me.”

“I don’t have a choice, unlike you. You will do exactly what I tell you to do, or go to jail for your crimes. Your choice.”

Son of a bitch.

Chapter Two

Jake watched Tara’s face go from pale to dangerously red. She wasn’t the only one who had wicked observation skills. Right now, he observed she was pissed off at him. He didn’t blame her, because he’d be angry as hell, too, if someone from his past showed up and blackmailed him into submission.