Yeah. But he was fucking altruistic. Beyond the job that had to be done, there was the sex. Mind-blowing—no, mind-fucking great sex. Even now, when he was angry at her for lying to him, he had a hard time keeping his hands off her.

One taste wasn’t enough for him.

He set the coffee on the desk and came around behind her. She had the code open, and her fingers rested on the mouse. His phone dinged in his pocket, but he ignored it. “Did anything in particular stand out to you? Some part that doesn’t seem right?”

She picked up the coffee, pressing her soft lips to the rim and blowing. He wished he was the mug. That’s how bad he had it. “No, not really. I don’t know why this case is fighting me. Usually, I can remember what I did without any issues.”

He leaned on the desk and crossed his ankles, massaging his thigh. His leg was hurting like a bitch today, probably because of last night. It had been the first time he’d had sex since his injury, so he might have pushed himself a little too hard. “Maybe you’ll remember once we go to the site.”

“Yeah.” She glanced down at his thigh, taking another sip. “Maybe.”

His phone buzzed again, and he took it out of his pocket. As he skimmed the message, his shoulders tensed. He had apparently gotten signed up for some bullshit dating website, and he had a love match. Wait…a male love match. Did hackers have nothing better to do with their time than fuck with other people’s lives?

“What the—?” Another email lit his screen. “Fucking brilliant.”

Tara set her mug down. “Is there a problem?”

“No.” He shoved his phone into his pocket, but it buzzed again before he released it. Another match, no doubt. “It’s nothing.”

Her lips twitched, and she lowered her head quickly. “Okay.”

He watched her, not missing the amusement that was clear in her voice. Had she…? No. She had only

been alone in his office for five minutes, tops. How would she have gotten all his relevant information so fast?

“Tara.” He crossed his arms and frowned at her. “Look at me.”

She stared at him, her expression innocent. Too innocent. “Yeah?”

“Is there something you’d like to tell me?”

She didn’t blink. “About?”

“Did you sign me up for a gay dating site?” His phone buzzed again. Fucking A. “Was it you?”

She burst into laughter, clutching her stomach. “Yes.”

First his house. Then his car. Now his office.

Was nothing sacred to her?

He lowered his brows, torn between being amused and annoyed as hell. Amusement was winning. Especially when his phone buzzed again. His Tara was so delightfully unpredictable. “Why did you do that?”

She stood and pushed his chair back. Tilting her head, she shrugged. Actually shrugged. She was too much. “I was bored. And you weren’t here.”

His swallowed a laugh, trying his damn best to appear serious and on the mark. He probably failed, because this was Tara. She never let him get away with that. “You sound like a child. ‘I was bored.’ How old are you? Twelve?”

“Almost twenty-six.” She ran her finger down his chest, trailing lower until she hit his waistband. He gritted his teeth. “But you already knew that.”

He captured her fingers and squeezed. “When we get home, I’m going to toss you on my bed and—” His phone went off again, and she let out a trill of laughter. A smile played at his lips, and for once? He let it. “Tara. Fix this.”

When his phone went off again, she choked on another laugh. “Okay, okay. I’ll make it stop.”

She sat down and pulled up the dating website. Despite himself, he checked out what she’d put under his profile description. There was a shirtless picture of him that he didn’t remember having in the first place. And on top of that, she wrote that he liked to give foot rubs, take long, meaningful walks on the beach, and talk about his feelings all night long.

His fucking feelings.

Smiling despite himself, he shook his head. Where had she been all these years? He’d missed her, even if he hadn’t known it at the time.