Her heart sped up, and she looked away from him. “How long have you been single?”

“I refuse to be in a relationship when I deploy, and I’ve been deploying every year. So, suffice it to say I’ve been single for some time now. What about you?”

“I haven’t had, or wanted, a boyfriend in a ridiculously long time.”

“How long?

“Since college.” She fidgeted with her skirt some more, not looking up at him. “I’ve had a few meaningless encounters—friends with benefits—but no real relationships. But it’s by choice.”

“Why is that?”

“I really don’t believe in the institute of marriage being the thing that makes a woman whole. My old-fashioned family seems to think the only way I can be happy is if I have a man holding me up. Why should I encourage their limited views of the world by settling down with a guy who fits the part? You know, I saw so many childhood friends marry the first guy who came along just to have that ‘special day.’ But every day is my special day. I’m happy on my own.” She looked out the window. There was another reason she wasn’t being honest about. She might as well give him the whole answer since she’d told him everything else about herself minus her freaking bra size. “Plus, there’s the whole issue of love.”

He shifted his weight. “Meaning?”

“Well, I haven’t fallen in love yet—not like everyone else I know has. Not even close.” She straightened her shoulders and lifted her chin defiantly. “I’m beginning to wonder if I ever will, thus the reason I’m focusing more on myself at this point in my life. I don’t think I’m a good fit with the emotion. It requires too much blind trust and warm gushy feelings, while I prefer logic and cold calculations.”

“Yeah, that much is true. It’s hard to let go like that.” He snorted. “But you don’t actually not believe in love, right? I mean, you know it’s real.”

“It’s not that I don’t believe in it, per se. It’s just that I haven’t been given a reason to think it’ll happen to me, is all.” She shrugged and tried to come up with a way to express exactly what she meant. “I’ve seen people fall in love, and I’ve seen people change for love. But I haven’t done it. I haven’t felt it. Maybe it’s real, but it’s just not real for me.”

He shook his head. “I find it hard to believe a woman like you will never find love. You’re kind, funny, and charming. Basically, you’re the perfect catch.” He reached out and covered her hand with his, squeezing gently. “If there’s no hope for you, then how do the rest of us stand a chance in hell at a happy ending?”

“Who said I’m not happy now? It’s not like I’m on a one-way ride to miserable Spinsterville.” Her lips quirked at the corners.

He laughed. “Touché. Besides, I doubt a woman as amazing as you could ever find a man who deserved you. He doesn’t exist.”

“Oh really?”

“Really.” His dimple flashed and Kayla melted. “You’re incomparable.”

While she wasn’t unhappy with her life, she was certainly happier now that she’d met him. Without thinking, she wrapped her hands around the back of his neck and brought his mouth to hers, kissing him gently. That was such a sweet thing to say that she couldn’t resist him anymore. Yeah, it pretty much sealed the deal in her eyes.

She was going home with him tonight.

Chapter Five

Cooper closed his hands around Kayla’s waist. This was the second time she kissed him all on her own, and each time the desire inside of him grew closer to boiling over. He was pushing his restraint to the max, but he couldn’t resist her. She might be warm and welcoming now, but once her feet were on solid ground again, she would return to her senses.

Once she wasn’t afraid of dying.

But if he could make her come apart in his arms one time before they parted, he’d be happy. He slid his hand under the blanket again, his fingers trailing over the soft skin of her upper thigh.

She gasped when his palm made contact with her bare leg, but he kept his lips pressed against hers. Her legs parted under the blanket, and he slid his fingers higher, brushing against the soft satin of her panties. Something inside of him demanded he show her how good he could make her feel before she walked away from him forever.

Something to remember him by.

He didn’t have much time to waste—it wasn’t a particularly long flight from Maine to North Carolina—but if he was right, she would be ready. Slipp

ing his fingers inside her panties, he felt her dampen his fingers instantly. He deepened his kiss and thrust his fingers deep inside her, thanking God for the dim lights, distracted passengers, and the blanket.

But still…he had to make it less obvious what he was doing.

He broke off and whispered in her ear, “Don’t you move or make any noise. I’m going to make you come, but you can’t make a sound. Got it?”

She nodded frantically, her breath coming out fast and soft.

He reached into the seat pocket with his free hand and opened up a SkyMall magazine on his lap, staring down at it as his fingers worked over her. “Close your eyes,” Cooper whispered, his focus on the seat in front of him. “Pretend you’re asleep.”