Page 78 of Hunger Awakened

It also made her realize that she no longer harbored fantasies of becoming a vampire herself, instead content with simply being with him. It was selfish to ask him to take her on for God only knew how long just because she didn’t want to die. If Sebastian wanted a lifetime with her, it would be because he loved her. Not because of pity. She’d come to care for him too much to have it any other way.

Her vision blurred for a split second. Then, blinking, she cleared the stinging in her eyes, not really sure how long she’d been lost in thought.

“You with me again?” Jasmine asked gently from beside her.

“Sorry?” She turned to face Jasmine, noting the concern in her eyes.

“I know you don’t know me from Adam, but I’m a registered nurse and you left me there for just over two minutes. Do you remember what happened?”

Alice’s hands began to shake, fear causing bile to churn in her stomach. Two minutes? That was longer than any of her other previous seizure events. The absence seizures made her stare off into space for usually less than thirty seconds or so. Someone not paying attention, unaware that she was seizing, would be none the wiser. She wasn’t always aware of them herself.

“Oh my God,” she gasped. Her brain was deteriorating. How quickly, she had no idea. She whirled, facing Jasmine head on. “Are you sure of the time?”

“When I realized what was happening, I started timing. Honestly, it was probably closer to three minutes. How long have you been having seizures?”

“You can’t tell him,” she said quickly. “Please. Sebastian has his own issues right now, and you cannot tell him.”

“Honey, it’s not my place. I don’t know either of you and even if I was your healthcare provider, I wouldn’t betray your confidence.”

“Thank you—”

“But I must strongly advise that you tell him. I’d stepped behind you in case you went tonic-clonic, but I knew what was happening. If you two are an item, he needs to know just so he can be prepared. This is your health you’re messing with. What does your doctor say?”

“I don’t have one,” she muttered. At once, embarrassment for her situation, her inability to take care of herself slapped Alice in the face.

“I can help you find a neurologist, if you’d like.”

“Can’t afford it.”

“But your vampire can, I bet. All the more reason to tell him what’s going on.”

“Please, Jasmine. I don’t have any friends. Be one for me and don’t tell him.”

Jasmine exhaled loudly, throwing her hands in the air. “I already said I wouldn’t, and I mean it. Will you at least take my number and call me from time to time so I know you’re doing okay?”

She nodded, albeit reluctantly. “I’d like that.”

“Alrighty then. Let me jot it down quickly before Corin comes busting down the doors. I love that man, but becoming a father-to-be has turned him into a bear.”

Alice had no sooner tucked the little slip of paper inside her purse when someone from inside the restaurant screamed. It was followed by several booms of noise and the simultaneous crash of glass.

“What the hell?” Jasmine muttered. She’d rushed to the exit before Alice had a chance to stop her.

“If something happens to you, your husband will be coming after me,” Alice said when she caught up to her at the door. “I’ll peek, but you stay behind me.”

The heat from Jasmine’s body pressed against Alice as they moved into the doorway together. Alice felt a surge of protectiveness toward the pregnant woman she didn’t have to explain. Her exuberance, her devotion to her husband and her eagerness to friend Alice after only knowing her a few minutes marked her as someone worth getting to know. Whatever was happening in the restaurant, she’d do her best to see her safely returned to Corin.

They crept out of the bathroom but immediately ran into Cicero. Alice’s heart clenched when he moved to shelter her. “Don’t come any further,” he said urgently. “Stay behind me.”

She didn’t trust him as far as she could see him, but Sebastian had assured her that even he would look out for her best interests that night. Besides, with his big ass blocking the way, she couldn’t see past him or the crowd forming a perimeter.