Page 54 of Hunger Awakened

Despite the low, growled words, Alice didn’t remember to be scared. She was too excited, exhilaration moving beneath her skin. Her heart pounded wildly, but it wasn’t from fear. It was too hard to stay afraid when it came to Sebastian, the vampire.

“I can smell you, Alice, your readiness. I no longer know who I am, what I might become. But you still want me.” The last words were hushed. Almost reverent.

She turned on her heel. Cautious and slowly. When she met him eye to eye again, she saw they’d returned to the pearlescent blue and silver. “You won’t hurt me.” Her hand went to his jaw. Stroked the tightness. “And if you do, it’ll be because I asked you to.”

Sebastian’s lips crashed down on hers, and this time he didn’t restrain himself. His tongue stroked into her mouth, teasing her. The hand that cupped her naked breast did it with the same possession his mouth claimed. She might not be able to scent his arousal, but every action spoke of his readiness too.

“Please,” she moaned. “Inside. To your bed.”

His lips moved over hers. Insistent. “I won’t change your mind, will I?”

“Nope.” Said with a small shake of her head. She took a step back, immediately missing the warmth of his body and the shadow of his wings, which acted as a canopy for them both. Her clothes lay in tatters on the ground. “Life’s too short,” she said softly, almost to herself. “Live in the now.”

Sebastian followed her, dipping his head to kiss her over and over as she backed away from his amorous pursuit. It became a game of sorts. For every step she took, he stole a minute of blinding pleasure with a simple kiss.

“Are you sure you want me, Sebastian?” She kissed him hard. Another step took her over the threshold.

He growled low. “You have to ask?”

Her teasing had struck home. Licking her lips snapped his attention to her face, while at the same time Alice brushed a hand over the head of his cock. The grip tightened, sliding down his length before stroking up and over the head again. The vampire sucked in a breath, despite previously telling her they didn’t breathe, and she giggled.

She leaned toward him, her face coming so very close to his...before pivoting at a run and rushing toward his bedroom, perhaps the only room she hadn’t yet been in.

He let out a sound, a roar that should have been frightening but only fueled her amusement. And desire.

For a split second she wondered if he would stay behind, but the sounds coming from behind her gave him away. His tread seemed awkward, less sure than it had been only an hour earlier. A quick glance over her shoulder proved the wings unbalanced him. She would have gone to assist if she believed he’d accept the help.

Instead, she kept her eyes toward his bedroom, her steps seeming to take too long to complete. As she finally crossed its threshold, Alice pushed down the only material Sebastian had left on her body. There was an audible hiss from behind her as panties hit carpeted floor.

She turned to watch his approach. To revel in his masculinity.

The look on his face was of stark desire. He was striking and imposing. He’d managed to lift his wings from the floor, holding them aloft. She knew they weren’t the down-feathered type depicted on angels, but his wings were like the man. Formidable. Compelling.

A part of her wanted to explore his change more closely right now. To find its solution, if one was to be had. But whether they discovered the cause for this mutation now or an hour from now didn’t seem the difference between life and death. Still, she couldn’t help her indecision.

“Bast,” she called softly. “Are you...can you...”

He stood in the doorway, almost blocking all light coming in from behind. The result was an ethereal halo, surrounding him and highlighting the newly formed wings. “Yesterday, I didn’t have this.” His expression tightened as one wing ruffled. She could tell it took effort for him to control his new appendage. “By tomorrow I might be dead. Or I might be a god. No matter what’s intended for me, no universe could be so cruel as to deny me this time with you. Because neither of us knows what’s going to happen, I’m not going to waste another second on wondering. Afterward, yes. But not right now.”