Page 43 of Hunger Awakened

His head tipped back, allowing him to see with deadly accuracy where the hairs split to make way for the bullets. The blossom of red within. He tried not to see the flesh beneath but failed at that task. He refused to shut his eyes against the gruesome sight. Instead, Bast focused on the rapid heartbeat of the creature, its harsh breathing and rumbling growl ricocheting through its chest.

Even as the heat flared, he saw this and knew he shouldn’t have. The world was so very, very bright. Brilliant. As if the flame within leaped from his body and found home within the trees. Setting them aflame until the conflagration raged out of control.

The lycans used the harsh glare of light to their advantage, shifting into their natural forms. They left in a silent horde, taking their wounded wolf with them. The sharp tang of copper on the air was the only remembrance of their having been there in the first place.

“Good luck, vampire. You’re going to need it,” Locke called ominously, his voice dying on the night air.

Damn it. There was more Bast needed to say to them. To understand.

It would have to wait. He trembled violently, muscles tight with blinding agony.

Bast kept the gun at his side, despite the sparks of fire that surely must be welding the metal to his hand. “Alice,” he said hoarsely.

He hadn’t forgotten her. Never. But he needed her now. Not just the knowledge that she was safe, but at his side. His only salve against a burn that consumed him.

She came to him at a run, her body trembling when she pressed it against his. Her rainwater scent greeted him first. “Are you all right?” she asked, breathless.

He tilted her face to his. “Are you hurt? Did it touch you?”

“I’m fine, but Sebastian...your eyes.” She brought a hand to his face. Paused before sliding her fingers over his skin. “You’re sick again, aren’t you?”

“To the plane.” He kept his voice low, despite the tremors overtaking him.

Alice took a step forward, and Bast gritted his teeth, commanding his body to follow her. One jerky step after another, they tottered toward the plane. Not until they stood before the first step did Alice leave his side. Even then, she allowed him to partially drape his bulk over her as they lumbered up the stairs. From behind, it would look like he went to great lengths to protect her from possible assailants. In his heart, however, he knew he barely managed to lift one foot after another. The six or so steps might as well have been climbing Mt. Everest. Darkness hovered at the periphery of his vision, weaving in and out. He would either pass out and tumble down the stairs or struggle for the strength to keep moving forward.

They were inside, door secured and plane taxiing before Alice turned to him. “Kiss me,” she demanded.

Bast’s guts were churning, but he found the strength to chuckle. What he would have said next dissolved as she took charge and pressed her mouth to his.

Goddamn, she tasted good.

His tense body relaxed a little beneath her kiss and Bast allowed himself to sink into the relaxing hold of the seat. But not before pulling her down to straddle him. Alice came to him willingly, holding his face between her hands as she gave him what he needed. Her kisses sustained him, and he would not question why.

The plane climbed into the air, pulling Alice away from him, but Bast would have none of it. His fingers threaded together behind her back, holding her still. Letting her feel the force of his arousal for her pushing up from his pants and into the juncture between her thighs.

Her tongue slipped in between his lips, and with it the cooling force of her breath. It extinguished the fire raging inside of him, and the relief was so sweet, he could have wept from it.

“You have marked your claim on me,” he said in between nipping at her lip. Those big blue eyes of hers fluttered open. Drowsy and seductive. “Now—please—my turn.”

Chapter Twelve

Alice could barely catch her breath. Not five minutes ago there was this dog—a wolf—staring her down. Then Sebastian came, and she had the letter opener, but he was sick and she had to get him better. Had to get him home...

“Oh my God,” she said, her voice trembling. “This is so crazy.”