Page 104 of Hunger Awakened

Alice reached across her shoulder and placed a hand on his. Roiling emotions eased back a fraction. She was worth it.

The elevator ride down was filled with a soft rendition of “My Heart Will Go On” and he had to wonder who in hell had programmed the thing. Still, better than the ominous silence of four bodies with little in common. Also, it helped drown the doubt screaming at him that there simply wasn’t enough time to plan an escape. Once they hit the ground floor, Antaeus would take over, ensuring Bast headed for the Council’s transportation.

Think, goddamn it. Think!

His hands tightened around the wheelchair’s handles when he pushed Alice out of the elevator all too soon. The foursome strolled down a long corridor lined with pictures of important older men done in acrylic paints. Doorways led to offices, which had been shut down for the day. Administration, patient relations and a few others. None of which would be useful, seeing how they seemed to house empty desks and chairs and not much else.

He didn’t have much choice in the matter. He’d have to take Antaeus on. With hardly anyone around to witness an altercation, now seemed as good a time as any.

As they approached the automatic glass doors, he tried to peer beyond the bright lights of the entrance to see if he could spot any people lingering, maybe catching a smoke break where they could. There didn’t appear to be any parked cars in the circular drive. No one hung out near the columns on either side of the doors. The darkness of night took over from there.

Sliding a hand to Alice’s shoulder, he squeezed it gently.     Be ready to move, it said. He wanted to add don’t linger if you can help it. No matter what she heard and no matter how things looked, she needed to not interfere. Her safety meant more than anything else right now. If things didn’t end the way they wanted, Gray and the others would see to her wellbeing. It was a grim prediction, but one forced on them.

The wheels of the chair whirred ominously, so Bast slid his hands back on the rails. He tightened his jaw and got ready to push her forward. As soon as they cleared the entranceway he’d attempt his assault. Only a few more feet...

Bast jerked his head toward the sound of tires coming at them. Fast. Headlights announced the car’s approach with equal animosity. A white car, something large and loud, hurtled toward them.

“What the fuck?” he muttered before having to yank the wheelchair back. He kept backing up until the wheelchair sat in the doorway once again, not willing to trust the skill of a drunkard. Had to be someone throwing back forties or snorting the good stuff. The car took the circular drive at a breakneck speed, going at least sixty in a driveway before screeching to a halt in front of them. It hadn’t stopped moving before the driver’s side door swung open and a young man, couldn’t have been more than twenty or so, jumped from the vehicle.

“We need a doctor! Are you a doctor?” His wide gaze flew past Bast and Alice to land on the people behind them.

The aide spoke up. “Dude, the ER’s on the other side—”

“My friend’s been hurt, and we need a doctor.” His voice hovered right on the verge of hysteria, teetering back and forth between high-pitched panic and unreasonable calm.

Over his shoulder, Bast watched someone push open the passenger door. One sneakered foot landed on the ground before the other followed suit. Another young man stood, his face tortured and sweaty. He lurched toward them, arm folded across his middle inadequately covering a growing red stain.

“Princess,” Bast murmured. The guy needed the wheelchair more than she did. Beyond the abdominal wound, the man’s skin was shiny-looking and paper pale. Blood seeped down the front of his blue jeans, creeping toward his knees as if on a slow death march.

Alice reached for his hand, and Bast helped her to rise. His gaze darted from the injured man to her. He watched her carefully. Any sign she couldn’t stand without assistance, any sign they needed to turn around and he’d drag her back inside, kicking and screaming, if necessary. Fuck the injured guy.

Although her legs wavered for longer than he would have liked, Alice found her balance and took a few tentative steps. She tilted her head to him, gifted him with an amazing smile, then moved to the side. Everyone else moved en masse.