As if on cue, the curtains lifted. Within seconds, girls in beaded bras and feather skirts were on the stage. Beaded bras that reminded him of Morgan. Shit, there he went thinking about her again. He obviously needed another taste to get her out of his system. To get him in the red zone. Hell, even the girl in the middle made him think of…

Oh, fuck. That was Morgan.

She was on his sister’s stage, kicking her legs up like a Rockette girl. She smiled the whole time she flitted across the stage.

And he couldn’t stop watching her. She was amazing.

By the time the show ended, he was practically humming with sexual frustration. She’d kicked those perfect legs up for all to see. Shook her ass for all to see, too. Everyone in the damn room got to see what she no longer wanted Mike to have. Because of what?

Why had she pushed him away? Why wasn’t he supposed to touch her anymore? Why couldn’t he have her? Why didn’t she want him as much as he wanted her? As the stage lights dimmed, she caught sight of him. Her eyes widened and her smile slipped for a fraction of a second, but just before she exited the stage, she shot him a cocky grin over her shoulder. And then she winked. Fucking winked at him. As if she knew how much it tortured him to see her up there.

Fuck that.

After making some half-assed excuse about having to go to the bathroom, he excused himself from his family. He pushed past the security guard and flashed the VIP badge Brianna had given him to get backstage. He followed the sound of feminine laughter and found Morgan in a room filled with babbling women.

All of them stopped talking and stared at him when he opened the door, but Mike barely noticed their attention. His eyes were on one girl and one only—and she was alone with no one by her side. He could be by her side. He could be her person.

He crooked his finger at her. She gave him a dirty look and shook her head. He raised a brow and crooked his finger again, and then pointed to the floor in front of his feet. If that didn’t piss her off enough to make her come over, nothing would. She hesitated, but then she stood.

Crossing the room, she put her hand on her curvy hip and glowered at him, her blue eyes spitting flames of fire. She’d changed into a pair of shorts and a soft pink top. “What do you want?” she hissed.

He held out his hand. “Come with me.”

A look of desire flitted across her features but she seemed to try to press it down. To ignore it. He wished her luck with that. He’d been trying to tamp down his longing for her ever since Friday night and he’d been failing miserably.

“No,” she answered firmly.

He wiggled the fingers on his outstretched hand. “Yes.”

She disregarded his hand and shook her head. “I’m not some puppy you can call to your side when you want me. Go back to your seat.”

“After watching you up there all night, shaking your ass at me?” He hauled her close, not even caring that at least ten sets of curious eyes were on them. “Not. Happening.”

She shoved at his chest. “Lots of guys get horny watching women dance. Go find someone else to scratch your itch.”

“It has to be you,” he said simply. And for some odd reason…it was true. He paused. “Please, Morgan.”

And the steam left her. She rested her hands on his chest, no longer pushing him away. “You know a place we can talk privately?”

He didn’t answer, just grabbed her hand and led her out of the crowded room. She clung to him, following him as he led her to the back office that was reserved for management. Brianna had shown it to him earlier. When he found it, he pushed her inside the shadowed room and locked the door.

She crossed her arms. “I thought we were both very clear about what we wanted from each other the other night.”

“We were.”

“Then why are you here?”

Good question. One he didn’t want to answer, so he only brushed the surface of it. “I came to see the show. I had no idea you were in it.”

“That’s not what I mean and you know it.”

“I don’t know what to tell you.” He lifted a shoulder. “I wanted to see you again, and now here I am.”

He saw her eyes go soft in the dim light, but then she pressed her lips together and shook her head. “Well, you saw me. Now I’m leaving.”

She brushed by him and he caught hold of her elbow. Without giving her a chance to shove him away again, she was in his arms and his mouth was on hers. And she didn’t fight him or herself. No, she kissed him back as if she’d missed him as much as he’d missed her.

Shit, he’d forgotten how fucking amazing she tasted. If anything, she tasted even better than the memories. He’d sampled what she could do with that exquisite mouth a few nights ago, but tonight she seemed more determined than before. Determined to make him break.