“What girl?”

Garrett rolled his eyes. “I’m not blind, dude. I saw her.”

Shit. He’d tried to hide his distraction Friday night. He had been there for Garrett’s bachelor party, not to get laid. “Maybe.”

“And you’re tired and cranky because…?”

Because she wouldn’t give me her fucking number. “No reason.”

“Yeah, okay.”

Mike pinched the bridge of his nose. “Yes. I’m going to the casino tonight. Why? You want a ride?”

Garrett opened his mouth, then closed it again. Mike could practically see him fighting back the questions. “A ride would be great. Kiersten’s meeting me there after she drops Chris and Amy off at the sitter’s, and my truck’s in the shop.”

Amy was their newborn baby. His niece already had Mike wrapped around her tiny little finger, as it should be. He could use a little bit of Amy time. “Maybe I should watch the kids instead. You guys could have a night out.”

Garrett’s jaw dropped. “Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you? Since when do you choose changing diapers over going to the casino?”

Since Morgan.

“I’m just tired.”

“Oh well. Slap on your big boy panties and get the hell up. You’re going.”

Mike shook his head and stood. To argue now would make him appear even weaker than he felt. “Fine. But when you wanted to stay home and douche, I let you.”

“No, you mocked me. And I wasn’t staying home, I was with your sister. Who I was in love with.” Garrett watched him a little too closely. “What’s your excuse?”

“I don’t have one.” Mike shoved his chair in. “Let’s get this over with. I need food first, though.”

“You sound so excited.”

“I told you, I’m tired. What the fuck do you expect from me? Pom-poms and a short skirt?”

A shit-eating grin spread across Garrett’s face. “A guy could hope.”

Mike flipped him off and headed for the door. He would go to support Brianna, but then he was going home to hit the rack early. And he certainly wouldn’t be thinking about Morgan when he fell asleep.

Mike settled into the U-shaped VIP booth at the casino theater, surrounded by Thomas, Brianna, Kiersten, and Garrett. He sipped his beer and looked around. Even with the lights turned down low, he could see how much attention to detail Thomas’s company had paid to the remodel. Gone was the outdated eighties carpet and in its place was an updated, contemporary feel. The wood floors and dark mahogany booths screamed of comfort and luxury. “Thomas, you did amazing work in here.”

Thomas grinned. “I know. Brianna was a certifiable wreck the whole time we gutted t

he place but I knew it would be for the best. Just look at the turnaround already, and on the first night.”

Brianna swatted his arm. “It’s not my fault. You had some crazy ideas about this place. Brand new honeymoon suites that cost over a thousand dollars a night. Theater on site. Knocking out half the casino floor for it. It’s crazy talk.”

“I was crazy about you when I met you, too.” He nuzzled her neck. “And look how well that worked out for us.”

Brianna rolled her eyes but didn’t push him away. Even though his brotherly urge was to punch his brother-in-law for pawing his sister, Mike smiled. He couldn’t help it. He loved seeing how happy she was. First Brianna, and then Kiersten.

It made him all warmhearted and fucking mushy inside to think of his sisters being so damned happy. “Well, the space looks great.”

“Yeah, it does.” Kiersten reached across the table, her hair brushing the dark surface, and squeezed Brianna’s hand. “Great job.”

Garrett nodded, his arm thrown over Kiersten’s shoulder. “Absolutely.”

“Thanks.” Brianna smiled at Thomas. “Wait till you see the show. It’s amazing. We had to get a last minute replacement because one of the girls got sick, but she’s great.”