There was something to be said for the fact that he’d tried to make it right, though. Isn’t that all anyone could do, after making a mistake? Try to make up for it? His father had brought Alicia here, and then by some twist of fate, he’d seen Alicia in that club, and he’d fallen for her again. Although, in all reality, he hadn’t fallen, because he’d never gotten over her. Deep down, it had always been Alicia.

Would always be Alicia.

The door opened, and Harry stepped inside, holding a pile of envelopes that looked pretty damn old. “Your car is waiting for you. I thought you could read these on the ride to the airport.”

He took them, glancing at them. They were addressed to him, were from Alicia, and there were about eight of them. Eight. “Shit.”

Without another thought toward them, he headed outside. The second he was in his car, and Commander Jonathon settled in the front seat next to the driver, he said, “To the airport. Immediately.”

“Yes, sir,” the driver said.

He lowered his head and stared down at her neat handwriting on the envelope, knowing once he opened these, he would know every little dirty detail about Alicia’s past. Everything she’d wanted him to know, once upon a time, was there, waiting for him to read it. He had every right to open those letters and read every damn word she’d written to him. But the Alicia he knew now wouldn’t want him to know these things.

Not anymore.

She didn’t like talking about her past, and from this point on, it should be her decision whether she told him what happened to her all those years ago or not. It wasn’t his place to read those letters anymore because she’d written to the boy he’d been.

Not the man he was now.

Tossing the letters aside, he glanced out the window impatiently, knowing every second he was stuck in traffic was another second that Alicia could be leaving him. The second he pulled up to the airport, he was out the car door.

Commander Jonathon met him on the sidewalk. “Where to?”

“Do you happen to know what airline Ms. Forkes is flying out on?”

Jonathon nodded once. “Randovia Airlines, Highness. Flight 363, departing at five o’clock.”

Leo checked his watch, heading toward the stairs that led to the gates. He had twenty minutes till the plane took off, which meant she’d more than likely already have boarded. Shit. “I need to get to that plane immediately.”

“She’s at Gate F36. That’s on the other side of that airport. There’s no way we can make it in time at this pace,” Jonathon said. “We could detain the plane, or have her pulled off it.”

“No.” He gritted his teeth and scanned the airport. Already, the people around him had noticed him. “I can’t do that to her again. I have to…to…”

He weighed his choices in his mind heavily, considering all the risks and benefits from each one before he cut himself off. Enough worrying about risks and losses.

It was time to live.

To chase after what he wanted, no matter the consequences.

A newscaster straightened his hair before posing in front of the camera, which was pointed right at Leo. If he took off running across the airport, it would be on every damn news channel within seconds. He’d break the number one rule he always followed as a ruler, and he’d make a fool out of himself in public. But if he didn’t hurry up…

Jonathon pulled his phone out, preparing to place the call that he fully expected Leo to make. “Shall I detain the plane?”

“No.” He shrugged off his jacket, even though he only wore a short-sleeved shirt underneath it, and tossed it at his guard, who caught it with wide eyes. “I have to run.”

And then he did it.

He ran.

Chapter Eighteen

Sometime between being shoved in between two huge, smelly men, and the flight attendant’s announcement that the airplane would be taking off five minutes ahead of time due to prompt boarding of the passengers, Alicia admitted to herself that she’d made a huge, stupid, colossal mistake. It wasn’t just the fact that leaving Leo was ripping her heart out all over again, and it wasn’t just because she literally lost one of her favorite shoes in his driveway. It was what he’d said as she left.

“There’s nothing worth saving here.”

Rubbing her forehead, she closed her eyes. Last night, he’d said things that had scared the hell out of her. Things about never letting her go, and how they had a connection between them. And while that terrified her and kind of made her want to throw up, it sparked an excitement inside of her that she couldn’t deny.

Because he was right.