“What happened to you?” he asked softly.

“The same thing that happens to everyone.” She lifted a shoulder. “Life.”

“Life doesn’t have to harden you,” he said, nodding at another employee of the palace.

“I disagree. I think it’s a part of growing up. Life’s disappointments are what make you stronger. They’re what make you…you.” She tugged on a piece of her hair, scrunching her nose up adorably. He’d always liked her tiny button nose. And her sparkling eyes. And the way her beautiful smile always turned into a musical laugh that captivated him. Hell, everything. “They’re what make you survive, too. You take those lessons, and that pain, and learn from them.”

“What if someone you love hurts you?”

“Then you never let them do it again,” she answered quickly, her fingers slipping on his bicep. “And you don’t give second chances to people who taught you a lesson.”

He let out a small laugh. “That’s a very black and white view in a world full of color.”

“The rest of the world might see colors,” she said. “But I don’t.”

“Well, that’s just sad.” Servants opened the front door for them, and he led them to the town car without another word, mostly because he didn’t know what to say. When they reached the driveway, he tipped his head toward the car door. “Ladies first.”

She shot him a look, but slid inside. She wore a black shirt today, and a pair of blue jeans that hugged her perfect legs and ass like an art form. Once he settled in beside her, before he even closed the door, she tapped her fingers on the seat and said, “So where are we going?”

“You really don’t like surprises, do you?”

“Last time I was in this car I was being abducted by a prince.” She gave him a hard look. “So I’m a little cautious now.”

He shrugged a shoulder. “Well, this time that asshole of a prince is taking you out, not locking you up. And, to be fair, you’re free to roam the castle grounds and gardens. You’re the one who refuses to leave your room.”

She frowned at him. “How do you know that I haven’t left?”

“Because I asked.” He gave her a look, reaching into his breast pocket. “Do you honestly think I haven’t asked after your welfare the whole time you’ve been here? Every day, I ask how you’re settling in. And every day, I’m told you haven’t left your room, but are doing well otherwise.”

She looked out the window. “That’s because I choose not to leave.”

He shook his head, uncapping the bottle of tequila he’d pulled out of his jacket. “Go to the library, at the very least. Do you still love to read?”

“I do.” She eyed him and the drink in his hand nervously. “What are you doing with that?”

“Throwing it out the window at my people, just for fun.” He blinked at her. “That’s considered fun, right? If not, I’m a fuck up.”

She rolled her eyes, but a smile that she couldn’t hide from him played at her lips. “I never thought princes cursed so much.”

“Only with people I trust.” He lifted the drink. “But, anyway, if I recall, an item on your bucket list was to get sloppy drunk, so I figured I might as well help you cross off another item, since you’re stuck with me for now.”

“Oh God.”

He smirked. “Scared?”

“Never,” she replied quickly, holding out her hand. “Give me some.”

“In a second. Oh, and here.” He reached into his left pants pocket and pulled out the item he’d forgotten existed until this morning, when he found it on his dresser. “I didn’t mean to keep this from you.”

Her fingers brushed his as she snatched it away, leaving a trace of her skin on his. “Oh, praise baby Jesus.”

“You missed it, I assume?” he asked, offering her the bottle.

She hesitantly took it from him, lifting it to her lips and taking a swig. Swallowing, she cringed and swept her hand across her mouth. “God. That’s awful.”

“I know.” He grinned at the face she made—half disgust, half pain, 100 percent adorable. “That’s what makes it so good.”

She shuddered, holding the bottle out to him. “If you say so.”