“No.” Andrew’s laughter died. “What’s she up to now?”

“She wants to propose a motion of no confidence, on account of my nonstop philandering lifestyle.” He paused. “She wants you to take over as CEO.”

“Shit.” Andrew was silent a minute, then asked, “Is that why you’re suddenly engaged? If so, don’t do it. Don’t give in to her insane demands.”

“Nah, the engagement happened before this. We’ve been dating for a while now.” Benjamin relaxed against the seat. It appeared that Andrew wasn’t in on his mother’s scheme, but that didn’t mean he was going to come clean about the farce. “But you seriously weren’t aware of it?”

“Of course not. I have no interest in taking your position.”

At least he had one family member who wasn’t trying to take him down.

Thank God.

Chapter Six

At exactly five o’clock Monday evening, Maggie closed her computer, slid it into her bag, took a deep breath, and stood. A few coworkers had already gathered their belongings, and they shot her some surreptitious glances the second she moved. She wasn’t sure whether it was because she was leaving earlier than normal, or if it was because word had spread about her and Benjamin being engaged.

Either way…

They were freaking staring.

And they had been all day, too. At first it had been mildly amusing, but after the tenth person stopped by her desk to chat—correction, to gape at her ring—it had gotten old, really fast. Obviously, some sort of announcement was needed.

She might as well get it over with.

“Just do it, Maggie. Stand up, and announce you’re dating Benjamin,” she muttered under her breath. Fisting her hands at her sides, she cleared her throat loudly, ignoring her racing heart. “Yes, I’ve been secretly dating Mr. Gale, and yes, I have been since before I even started working here. And yes, I’m engaged to him. He gave me a gorgeous ring.” She led her hand up high, rotating it every which way. “Here it is. Now, can we all move on, and stop staring at me like I’m a freak?”

People ducked their heads, returning to whatever they’d been doing earlier. Maggie nodded once, smoothed her skirt, and headed for Benjamin’s door.

That went surprisingly well.

Hopefully this next step would, too.

“You can do this. Everything will be fine,” she whispered under her breath, staring at the Empire State Building as she went. She could just make out the red neon sign on top of the old New Yorker Hotel, too. “It’s fine. This’ll be fun. You’re strong and steady, like that building. Benjamin won’t make you cave. You won’t kiss him or touch him. You’re not going to lose.”

If she said it enough times, maybe she’d actually believe it.

After a long, calming breath, she lifted her hand and knocked three times on his door. She heard a muffled “come in” through the wood, so she twisted the knob. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d left the office before seven, and Benjamin rarely did either, but tonight…

They were going to do it together.

Be rebels.

It had taken most of the last two days to get everything lined up properly, but she was ready to show him what a real first date should be like. When she walked in, the frown he wore faded a tiny bit, and he studied her without lifting his head from his work. “Hey. How’s it going out there?”


y. They’re all staring.” She waved a hand and tucked her hair behind her ear. He looked so handsome sitting behind his desk in his navy blue suit, with his perfect hair begging to be touched. “Like, constantly. I’m about to drag my desk in here so I can have a closed door, too.”

He set his pen down and sighed. “Do I need to say something?”

“No, please. It’s fine.”

“Okay.” He paused again, frowning. “Why are you in here, if you don’t need my help?”

Her cheeks heated, because he seemed annoyed at her intrusion. “We’re leaving.”

“What?” He glanced at his watch and shook his head. “No way in hell. I’ve got at least two more hours of work here on my desk, and it’s only five o’clock. Not to mention, you still haven’t gotten me that report you owe me. I told you it would wait, but I didn’t mean forever.” His tone was dismissive, as if having dealt with her, he expected her to leave.