Her jaw dropped. “What’s your problem? Forget it. I don’t want your help anymore.”

“Great. Just fucking great.”

“Screw you.” Turning her back on him, she fumbled with the doorknob, but her hands trembled too badly to turn it. “Come on, you stupid door.”

He shoved his chair back and stalked across the room to her. She finally managed to get it open, but he thumped a hand on the wood, shutting it with a loud bang. “What. Did. You. Want?”

She spun, her back against the door. “N-Nothing. Forget it.”

“Maggie.” He gritted his teeth together, trying to get a hold on his temper. It wasn’t her fault his world was falling apart. She didn’t do anything wrong, and he shouldn’t be snarling in her face like the beast he was. “Just tell me.”

“I—I’m leaving.”

A knife of pain sliced through his chest. Out of all the things he expected her to say, this was pretty much at the bottom of the list. “Where are you going?”

“Home. I have to—” She cut herself off, pressing her lips together. “I mean, I quit. I can’t be your researcher, or your fiancée, or…your anything.”

What the hell was going on today?

He’d been trying to find a way to tell her the same thing, that he couldn’t be her anything, but now that he faced it, he couldn’t lose her. “What happened? What’s changed?”

“Everything’s changed. I—I have to go.”

“Tell me why, damn it.” He backed her against the door even more, refusing to budge. Not till he had some sort of answer. “Why are you leaving me?”

“Stop yelling at me,” she snapped, her face pale. “Let me go. I want to go.”

Funny. He hadn’t even realized he’d raised his voice.

“Damn it. I—I need you. Need this. You can’t just—” Walk away from me. “I’m sorry I yelled. Please, just—just—” Forgive me.

Unable to put his words into actual words, he slammed his mouth down on hers, trapping her between the door and his chest. He couldn’t just throw her away and act as if she didn’t matter. Marry someone else and forget all about her. He couldn’t do it.

There had to be another way. What they had, it was special. What they had…it was…it was…love. That’s what the wrenching, stabbing pain in his chest was. He loved her, and he didn’t want to lose her. Not when she’d only just shown him how to live.

She shoved his shoulders and twisted herself free. “I said let me go.”

He stumbled back, shock punching him in the gut. “Jesus. What’s—?”

“I have to go home to South Dakota.” She balled her hands and lifted her chin. “I just wanted to tell you that I’m leaving. I have to go pack, or I’ll miss my flight. It’s over. I can’t be your fiancée anymore.”

It was happening. She was leaving him. And she hadn’t even thought twice about it. Or him. While he’d been playing the part of a lovesick fool, she’d been busily planning her departure. Just like that, she’d washed her hands of him. “Wow.”

She tugged on a piece of hair. “I just—you can’t help me out of this. You can’t—it’s not something your money—”

He stiffened. “Money? What the hell does money have to do with—?” He broke off, the pieces of the puzzle forming into one giant ugly-ass picture. His mother had been right all along. He was broke, and she was jumping ship. That didn’t make any sense…and yet, it did. It really fucking did. “My mother already told you, didn’t she?”

She blinked. “Wait, what? I—”

“Never mind, I don’t give a damn what the hell you have to say at this point.” He swept his hand, virtually shooing her away like an unwanted pest. “Get the fuck out of here. Don’t let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.”

“Benjamin.” Her face paled. “I didn’t mean to hurt you,” she said softly. “But I have to—”

“—Go. Yeah. I got that loud and clear, Ms. Donovan.” He crossed his arms. “So, go, then. No one’s stopping you, least of all me. You want out? You’re out.”

She grabbed the doorknob, but didn’t turn it. Mumbling, she faced him again. “You’re angry with me. Let me explain—”

Angry? That didn’t even begin to cover what he was feeling.