It was too soon to be sure, but this feeling was strong, and could really become something huge. Life changing. He should probably be worried about that, or at least a little bit apprehensive about taking something fake and turning it into something real, but he wasn’t.

It felt right.

Maggie picked up her purse and held it to her chest. She wore a soft pink dress, and a pair of black heels. Her hair was swept to the side, with loose strands escaping to frame her face. Effortlessly beautiful, as always. “What are we seeing, again? I can’t remember.”

“I forget the name, but it’s a show about choices. It’s off Broadway now, but it’s a special performance for charity.” He opened the door and climbed out into the brisk night. “It’s about a woman and the way two parallel lives play out based on a decision she makes in the beginning of the show.”

She slid her hand into his and let him help her out onto the sidewalk. “Wow, okay.”


“Well, it just kind of reminds me of the other night at my place. That was a pretty big choice Friday night, right?” She shot him a nervous smile, as if uncertain of her words. “We both decided to take this thing we have, roll with it, and hope for the best.”

He swallowed hard and squeezed her fingers. “Yeah, we did, didn’t we?”

Something flashed across her expression, and for once he couldn’t read it. “I—”

“Well, look who it is. The happy lovebirds,” his mother said from behind him. “How…sweet.”

She obviously found it anything but, though that didn’t take rocket science to figure out. She’d spent all weekend leaving him messages that told him exactly how much she disliked his choice of fiancée.


Maggie made him happy, and for once that was all he was going to worry about. His mother wanted him to settle down and become serious with someone, so fine. He had. If she didn’t like who he picked, too damn bad.

“Mother.” He turned and embraced her, kissing her temple, like she’d instructed him to do as soon as he was old enough to show “love” properly in public. She patted his back, like always. “How lovely to see you. No one told me you were coming.”

“It was a last minute decision.” She eyed Maggie, and he could practically hear her calculating all her weaknesses, and figuring out where it would be best to strike. It was what she did. Who she was. Who he’d been, too—until Maggie showed him a different way. “Your brother had an extra ticket.”

He threw hi

s arm around Maggie’s shoulder protectively. “Lovely.”

“Yes, that’s how Andrew is.” She finally looked away from Maggie and gave him a hard stare. “Always sharing what he has with those he cares about.”

“Benjamin.” Andrew came up behind her as if on cue. “Good to see you.”

“Hey.” He hugged his brother before stepping back to Maggie’s side. He entwined fingers with her. “We missed you at the gala last night,” Benjamin said.

“Something came up last minute.” He side-eyed their mother, who remained impassively still, then he turned to Maggie. “You must be Ms. Donovan.”

“Maggie.” She offered a hand. “And you must be the brother I’ve heard so much about. You work in the other Gale Incorporated office downtown, right?”

Andrew bowed over her hand. “Indeed.”

“It’s lovely meeting you,” she said, smiling.

“Likewise.” Andrew grinned back. “Let me introduce you to my wife. She’s over there, in black.”

“Of course she is,” Maggie said softly. “I’d love to meet her.”

“I’ll wait here,” Benjamin said, reluctantly letting go of her hand.

Maggie and Andrew wandered off together, and he watched them go. If she showed any signs of needing rescue, he’d be at her side in two seconds flat.

But he had a feeling she’d be fine. His brother wasn’t the enemy.

His mother sighed and shifted on her feet impatiently, reminding him of who was. “I assume you got my messages, Benjamin? All twenty-six of them?”