He didn’t finish that thought.

Probably because he didn’t need to.

Tensing, she forced herself to keep smiling, to deny this jerk the satisfaction of seeing he’d shaken her. This was exactly the type of reception she’d expected, so she wasn’t surprised. She’d said they would see through her deception with their X-ray vision and somehow figure out she wasn’t blue-blooded like them.

And someone had. Already.

But deep down she’d hoped she could at least pretend to be one of them long enough that they’d actually believe she belonged here. “Yes, well, nonetheless, it’s true. We’re engaged.” She tipped her head toward the door. “He’s over there, checking our coats and waiting for me. So, if you’ll excuse me?”

He laughed. “That’s amusing.”

“Oh?” she asked through clenched teeth. “How so?”

“Well, you see, he’s over there with my daughter and his mother, Helen.” He paused. “My daughter is his ex, who he is very much interested in making his ‘future.’ He informed her of as much just the other day. Ever since she left him, he hasn’t been the same, you see.”

Again. Neither the freaking meteorite nor the sinkhole showed up to save her.

What did a girl have to do to get a natural disaster around here?

Her heart skipped a beat or two, and she glanced to where she’d left Benjamin. Sure enough, he had a snobby-looking blonde on his arm, and he spoke with her and his mother…whose name was apparently Helen.

The blonde clung to him, and she rubbed her hand up and down his bicep as if she owned him already. While he didn’t look a hundred percent at ease…

He didn’t exactly look upset, either.

The sexy jerk.

Lifting her chin, she refused to react to the other man’s words. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to return to my fiancé and Helen. They’ll be expecting me.”

He stepped into her path. “Don’t interfere with them. You have no idea what’s at stake here.”

“Oh, I have every idea what’s at stake.” She pushed past him. “It was lovely meeting you.” So freaking lovely.

This time, he let her pass without stopping her.

As she crossed the room, the blonde pressed her bony body against Benjamin’s and whispered something in his ear. Unexpected jealousy knifed through Maggie, hard and swift. She wasn’t supposed to be jealous…was she?

Sure, they’d kissed a few times, and he’d given her the best orgasm of her life without even trying, but the rest of their “relationship” was fake. They liked each other, and they were friends now, but that didn’t mean he owed her anything—

Certainly not loyalty or fidelity.

And, hey, if he managed to find someone more suited to him to marry for real, someone who would keep his mother off his back for good, then more power to him. He deserved that, and more. But, even so, that didn’t stop the jealousy from striking like lightning.

He glanced over the blonde’s head, his attention locking on Maggie. Even from across the room, she could feel the question in his stare, as if he asked how she felt about this whole thing, or something. She forced a smile, lifted her wineglass to him, and downed it all in one gulp. Frowning, he said a few words to the two women and then came toward her without them.

His mother glowered at her, looking regal in her hatred.

Maggie smiled back and set her empty glass down, wiggling her fingers in a princess-like wave. Game on, bitch.

Her fiancé stepped into her path, blocking Helen’s reaction. “What are you doing?” he hissed, grabbing her elbow. “Why didn’t you come over?”

“You were busy.” She lifted a shoulder. “And I didn’t want to interfere.”

He flexed his jaw. “The whole purpose of you being here is, in fact, to interfere in situations like this. It’s why you’re my fiancée, after all.”

“Yeah, but then I figured out you were flirting with a former girlfriend, who you are still very much in love with, and from here…you looked quite content to be doing so.” She crossed her arms. “I didn’t want to mess things up if you were looking for a real solution to your problem, instead of a temporary one.”

His dark blue eyes flashed angrily. “Is that so?”