“So, let me get this straight. My sister isn’t good enough for you. She’s not good enough to be your girlfriend. Is that what you’re telling me?”

Kassidy tugged him back, cheeks bright red. “Ignore him, Wyatt.”

Wyatt didn’t ignore him. “It’s not like that.”

“What’s it like, then?” Caleb snarled, probably about two seconds fr

om jumping at him with fists flying. He was shorter than Wyatt, and not very muscular, but he never underestimated an opponent…especially when angered.

“Don’t answer him,” Kassidy said, smacking her brother on the arm. “I’m a grown woman, and he’s a free man, and we don’t owe you any explanations.”

Caleb said nothing, just flexed his jaw.

He didn’t look any less angered.

“But I do.” Wyatt cleared his throat. “I’m married to the game, man. It’s as simple as that.”

Kassidy let go of her brother and gave him a narrow-eyed glare. “Wyatt.”

Caleb said nothing. Just stood there.

Finally, he said, “You like her?”

Wyatt nodded.

“You respect her?”

Again, he nodded.

“Then what’s the problem?”

“I’m sorry, man.” Wyatt focused on Kassidy, whose eyes welled with tears. “I do like your sister, a lot, but I can’t be with her like that. She understands. Nothing has changed between us to make her think otherwise.” A weird hollow ache in his chest ripped through him where his heart should have been. “I’m sorry.”

“There’s nothing to be sorry for,” she said, tears in her eyes but not spilling out of them.

Seeing those tears, the slight tremor of her lips, made his heart clench into a tight fist. “Kass—” Wyatt said, taking a step closer to her.

“Kassidy—” Caleb started at the same time.

“Don’t even start talking to me in that tone of voice,” she warned, pointing a shaking finger at her brother…or at him. He wasn’t really sure which. “You know what? I’m leaving. I think I’ve had enough of one of you acting like me having a sex life is a bad thing, and the other acting like he did something wrong by touching me. Have fun feeling sorry for yourselves.”

And then she stormed out.

It was a breathtaking exit.

Wyatt cursed under his breath and started to follow her, even though he wasn’t sure what he was going to say if he managed to catch her.

Caleb put a hand on his chest. “Hamilton.”

Wyatt stopped instantly, even though he could have easily pushed past the smaller man. “Yeah?”

“I don’t like this, but I’m not stupid enough to think I have a say in what my sister does or doesn’t do with her life,” he said slowly, never breaking eye contact. He had the same blue eyes as Kassidy did, but they weren’t as soft or warm. They hinted at a life lived fully, without regret, but also hinted that he’d seen some shit he wished he hadn’t. “But if you hurt her—if you make her cry one tear that she wouldn’t have cried without you in her life—I don’t care who the hell you are, or how good your stats are. I’ll fucking kill you.”

Wyatt clenched his jaw. “Understood.”

Chapter Fourteen

Today had been a disaster.