She smiled. “Is this real?”

“Oh, it’s real.” He touched her stomach. “You see, when two people love one another, and they have—”

She smacked him again, her cheeks going even redder. “Wyatt.”

“What?” he asked, his eyes wide and innocent.

“There are kids—”

“Ms. Thomas?” the nurse said, opening the door and glancing up from her clipboard. “And…Wyatt…Hamilton?” Her eyes were bigger than Kassidy’s had been moments ago.

He bowed. “You missed the show.”

“Apparently,” she said. “Well, if it’s over, and you’re ready, your room is available.”

Kassidy smiled. “Are you ready?”

“Oh, I’m definitely ready,” Wyatt said, holding his hand out for hers.

She glanced at his hand, then took it, her fingers sliding perfectly into the spaces between his. Everything about them had been like that from day one.

It just fit.


The constant beeping of the machines had been annoyingly persistent at first, but now the sound was somehow oddly peaceful and soothing. The nightlight over her bed had been left on, but the rest of the room was darkened and quiet…except for the unfamiliar sounds of a crying baby. The second Marcus had woken up and made a sound, she’d snapped to attention.

She’d always been a heavy sleeper, and deep down she had worried she might not make a good mother because of that, but lo and behold. If her child so much as squeaked…she was there.

She sat up, blinking and gingerly raising herself to sit. She glanced into the little plastic bassinet thing all hospitals had, her heart racing when she saw it was empty. Her heart twisted painfully. “Marcus. Oh my—”

“Shh. It’s okay.” Wyatt came from a dark corner of the room, little Marcus in his arms. “I have him. We had a dirty diaper situation that needed attending to.”

She collapsed against the back of the bed, breathing heavily, pressing a hand to her racing heart. Clumsily, she shoved her glasses into place, blinking at him. “You scared the crap out of me. I thought you went home to shower and change.”

“I did.” He came closer, patting the baby’s back as he approached, smiling. His titanium wedding band reflected the dim nightlight, making it shine for a moment. His hair was still damp from his shower, and he wore a pair of sweats and a Saviors shirt. “But did you honestly think I’d be able to stay away from two of my favorite people for longer than an hour?”

She smiled, despite her still racing heart. “Of course not. But there’s not a bed for you.”

“I don’t need a bed.” He sat on the chair beside her, resting his feet on the ottoman. “All I need is you and Marcus.”

Gingerly, she reclined again, rolling onto her side and watching as her husband rocked their child to sleep. They’d had a low-key wedding, a justice-of-the-peace affair with family and a few friends. It had been intimate and private, and the magazines had been angry to miss it all.

Marcus’s eyes closed, his little lips pursed perfectly as he sucked on nothing at all. He was so tiny. So perfect. So theirs. “He has your dimples.”

“But your eyes.” Wyatt leaned down to kiss the baby’s forehead. He flailed, freeing himself from the swaddling, and punched Wyatt in the nose. Wyatt lurched back, blinking rapidly. “Ow.”

“And your arm,” she said, laughing as he rubbed the bridge of his nose.

“Clearly,” he said with pride. He locked eyes with her, smiling. “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” she whispered. “Why don’t you sing him to sleep?”

“And give him nightmares?”

Kassidy laughed. “Fine. Then sing me to sleep.”

Wyatt chuckled and whispered, “Rest, my love. I’ll be here when you wake up. We’ll both be here.”