“Because I didn’t want to,” Wyatt said, his tone dry. “Again, clearly.”

“If she weren’t pregnant, and you weren’t panicking, would you be with her right now?” Cole asked, picking up his beer. Wyatt hadn’t even seen him order one.

“Well, yeah, I guess. I was supposed to go to dinner with some guys from the team, but afterward—”

“Do you always want to be with her? Awake? Asleep?” Chris asked.

Wyatt hesitated.

“Would you give up anything for her? Do anything for her?” Brett added.

Again, he hesitated.

“If you can answer yes to any of these questions, you probably love her, dumbass.” Chris shrugged. “Even if some of them are no, you might still love her.”

Wyatt made a choking sound. “I don’t…I just…I don’t know.”

“If you lost her, would you be okay?” Cole asked quietly. Considering his brother had been single for as long as Wyatt had, the oddly accurate question was out of character for him.

Wyatt swallowed.

Had he already lost her?

Was she done with him? Were they over? If so…would he be okay?

Never holding her in his arms again, and possibly seeing her in the grocery store with a man who would give her everything she deserved without panicking and running when she needed him most, made him ill. He wasn’t okay with that.

And when he threw his baby into that image of her and another man in the grocery store, sitting in that little seat in the cart that he’d always found pointless and annoying…No. Hell no.

He didn’t want to lose her.

He rubbed his jaw. “I don’t want to lose her, but I might have done so already. When she told me… Well, saying that I didn’t react well would pretty much be the biggest understatement of the century. I might have ruined everything today.”

“Lots of people don’t react well to surprising news,” Brett said, standing. “It’s how you act, not react, that matters. Actions speak louder than words, even when you’re speaking to yourself.”

He was right. They did. And his actions had, and always had, been screaming that he didn’t want to let her go. Sure, he hadn’t been planning on this, but neither had she. She was probably in as much shock as he was, but she’d handled it a hell of a lot better than he had. She’d handled the shock of pregnancy with grace and a strength he didn’t possess, and probably never would.

She’d make an excellent mother.

And an even more excellent partner.

“Wow, that was deep, man,” Cole said, lifting his beer to Brett.

Brett inclined his head and clinked his beer to Cole’s. “Thanks.”

Wyatt stood up, his heart pounding. “I’m not sure if I love her, or if I’d give up everything for her, but I don’t want to lose her. I don’t want this to be the end. And I want to be in my kid’s life.”

“Well, then…” Chris tossed money on the bar and stood. “What the hell are you going to do about it?”

Chapter Eighteen

It had been two days since she kicked Wyatt out of her house, and she hadn’t seen him since. He’d tried. Oh, he’d tried. He’d been calling, texting, stopping by, knocking. You name it, he’d done it, but she needed time and space to clear her head. His reaction to her news hadn’t been…good. He had all but told her she meant nothing to him, and that all they’d been doing was messing around. Call her crazy, but they were supposed to be more than that.

She’d given herself to him. Opened her heart after he told her she was more than a fling and that he wanted to give them a real chance at something. She’d let herself fall for him like a fool, and the second things had gotten rough, he’d b


How could she trust him now?