Growling, he yanked her back onto his lap, threaded his fingers through her hair, and tugged her down. He stopped just a breath away from their mouths touching. “Consider me a ballerina, then, because I’ve been on my toes since the second you walked into my life.”

Sliding his hand between them to touch her, he kissed her again. As his fingers moved, he thrust against her, driving her over the edge of madness and back. Every stroke of his hand, every brush of his lips, drove her higher and higher until she forgot all about what she should or shouldn’t be doing, and instead, she just let herself feel.

His fingers circled her, then touched her, and she moaned into his mouth, moving against him faster. Everything inside her tightened, heightened, and pulled until it all just kind of snapped, and pleasure rocked through her. As she floated through an orgasm, he yanked his sweats down, rolled on a condom, and thrust inside her.

She cried out, holding on to him tightly as she rode him.

Every drive, every movement he made, only made her body quicken even more with pleasure so perfectly perfect that it almost hurt. He moved inside her, his lips attached to hers, his hands moving her so she kept a rhythm guaranteed to make her come again. It was in that moment that she knew no matter what came of them, no matter how badly this ended, they were perfect together.

And that terrified her.

Chapter Thirteen

Wyatt hadn’t seen Kassidy in six days.

That was six days too long.

In between game prep, the actual game day, and practice, things just hadn’t lined up for them to be able to squeeze in some alone time. They’d texted, and FaceTimed, but it wasn’t the same as having the living, breathing, beautifully alive version of the real thing in his arms.

Thanks to his late nights, combined with her busy days at the family flower shop, he didn’t think they’d get any alone time today, either.

The longer he spent without her in his arms, the more he realized he’d come to count way too much on having her there. The weird thing was that instead of scaring him away, missing her only made him want to be with her even more.

This understanding they’d come to was a one of a kind arrangement, and he wasn’t going to take it for granted. Or her. Whatever they had going on between them, whatever they wanted to call it, it had been too long since they’d actually done it.

Since time didn’t seem to want to free up…

He’d make some.

Coming around the corner toward the flower shop, he stopped mid-step, his stomach twisting into a knot that threatened to revolt. Inside the store, Kassidy hugged a man he didn’t recognize. He had a clear image of them through the big glass window out front. As they pulled away from one another, the dude tried to kiss her, and she dodged him so his lips landed on her cheek.

Undeterred, the man caught her hands and spoke earnestly, and she nodded, not meeting his eyes as he ran his thumbs over the backs of her knuckles.

That contact, his hands on hers, hit Wyatt in the gut like a full-force tackle from a two-hundred-and-fifty-pound man in full football gear. He stood there, unable to take his eyes off them.

He and Kassidy weren’t a couple.

Weren’t exclusive.

Had never spoken of being exclusive. They’d just met a few weeks ago.

And yet…he was jealous.

There was no other way to describe his roiling gut right now. They might not have ever said they were exclusive, but the thing was, he hadn’t touched another woman since the night she came into his life, singing horribly off key. He hadn’t even thought of touching another woman, even though the opportunity to do so had been there.

It was always there.

But he hadn’t wanted to.

Yet here she was, holding some other guy’s hands, and he wanted to crash through the door and Hulk-smash his damn face until he stopped acting like Kassidy was his world. Wyatt rolled his hands into fists at his sides, ready to help her if she needed it, but from the look of things…she seemed completely okay with this dickwad holding on to her.

Who the hell was he? Why was he at her shop at two o’clock in the afternoon? More importantly, why was she letting him touch her like that?

They talked for another couple of seconds, and then the other man hugged her again. She stood stiffly in his arms, not returning the hug, but not exactly pushing the guy away, either. When it became clear that he was about to leave, Wyatt stepped back around the corner, waiting.

The door opened and shut, and footsteps headed the other way. Wyatt pulled his baseball cap lower as crowds passed, keeping his head ducked so no one would recognize him. Normally he loved fans and pictures, but today he wanted nothing more than to know who that guy was, and why he’d been touching his woman.

His. Fucking. Woman.