God, she wanted to.

But was that just her falling for another trick, from another handsome boy, like she always did? Or was this the real thing? The type of love that could be hers forever and ever?

The type of love that never died?

“You quit your job?”

He nodded, lifting his head and meeting her eyes. “I signed the amended contract last night before I got in the truck. I had to give back the signing bonus, plus six month’s salary, since they’re now going to have to search for a replacement for me, but I don’t give a damn. All that mattered was getting here, to you, so I paid them, and I got in my car…and I drove straight here, only stopping for gas.”

She’d heard rumors of how much he’d gotten for becoming junior partner. It was a lot of money, plus six month’s salary. That was…that was…insane. “You did that? For me?”

“For us,” he amended.

“Eric…God. I can’t believe you did that.”

“I’d do it again.” He gripped her hips, staring down at her. “I love you, Shelby. I’ll say it over and over again until you believe it. Until I’m worthy of you.”

She shook her head, letting out a laugh. Didn’t he see she was already his? She had been from the second he made her forget why she’d sworn off men in the first place. “Eric…”

He closed his eyes. “Fuck, I missed that laugh. When you left, and I thought I was never going to see you again, a part of me died. That’s when I knew that couldn’t be my life anymore. That’s when I knew I had to find a way to be with you. When Wyatt told me to get out of my contract, it was like I was at a fork in the road. The world became clearer, and I saw the road I was supposed to choose—the one that led me here to you, so I could do what I should have done all along. I’m here to fight for us.”

“You silly man. What did I tell you? There’s nothing to fight for.” She fisted his shirt, holding on tight, tears blurring her vision. Her heartbeat sped up, because she was going for it. She was grabbing her happy ending, and she wasn’t letting go this time. “Say it again.”

He smiled tenderly, pushing her hair off her cheek, still holding on to her hip with his other hand. He stepped slightly closer, his eyes turning more blue than gray as he towered over her. “I love you, Shelby Jefferson, with all my heart, body, and soul. I love you, and I swear to never stop loving you for all of eternity.”

She blinked rapidly. “I love you, too.”

He let out a sound of relief, and before she could so much as blink, his mouth was on hers…

And the world finally felt right again.


Guests mingled throughout the halls of the mansion, all wearing designer clothing, pearls, diamonds, and Louboutin’s. Money oozed out of every pore of every one of these guests, but Shelby didn’t feel out of place at all. Everyone here was kind and welcoming—and soon, they would be family. She touched the back of her engagement ring, smiling and dipping her head down low to hide it. Eric had popped the question last night as they sat on his parent’s porch watching the sun set in the warm Jefferson summer sky.

They hadn’t told anyone yet, but Eric had insisted she wear the ring. “If they notice, we’ll tell them,” he’d said, smiling up at her from bended knee as he slid the stunner of a diamond on to her ring finger. “But it’s Anna and Brett’s weekend, so we’ll keep quiet unless asked.”

So far, no one had asked.

Shelby preferred it that way.

She didn’t want to steal the spotlight away from the wedding couple.

Eric came up behind her, splaying his hand over her lower back, and bent down to kiss her temple. “It’s official.”

“What is?” she asked quietly, watching the bride and groom dance to their last song before leaving for their honeymoon. The wedding had been beautiful, elegant, and simple.

“I’m officially a small-town guy. I was walking in the city last night with Brett, Wyatt, Chris, and Cole—and I swear, everywhere I turned, someone was there in my way. Drove me fucking insane.”

She laughed, cutting it off quickly. “Seriously?”

“Seriously. I love our little town back home.” He wrapped his arms around her from behind, resting his chin on top of her head. “And our little house, and our little dog, and my little firm…”

She thought of their scarred old Pitbull back home. “Think Princess is okay?” she asked, biting her lip.

“She’s fine. Mrs. Wallace is taking good care of her, I’m sure, and spoiling her with treats.” He chuckled. “She spoils that dog rotten, you know. Imagine what it’ll be like when we have kids.”

“Kids?” She pressed a hand to her stomach. “You’re thinking about that stuff?”