Just like he’d fucking promised.

From behind him, Wyatt cleared his throat. “It’s done?”

“She’s gone.” He was never going to see her again. “She…I…shit.” He covered his face and took a deep, steadying breath. “I had to let her go. I couldn’t let her stay.”

Wyatt sat across from him. “You did the right thing.”

“It doesn’t feel like it’s the right thing.” He lowered his hands. “It feels like I just ripped my heart out of my damn chest with a fork.”

Wyatt grimaced. “That’s pretty graphic.”

“And accurate.” He locked eyes with his brother. “I asked you this once, and I’m going to ask it again. Have you ever been in love before?”

Wyatt tensed. “Why do you want to know so damn bad?”

“Just answer the question.”

“Fine. No.” Wyatt pointed at him. “The only room I have in my heart is taken up by the game I play. That’s all the love I need. All the love I want.”

“Seriously?” He leaned forward.

Wyatt stared at him. “Seriously.”

“What would you do if you were me?”

Wyatt hesitated. “I don’t know. I’ve never loved anyone like that. Never wanted to spend my life with someone.” He opened his mouth, closed it, and then added, “But if I did find that kind of love…I would hold the fuck on to it and never let it go.”

“Even if she wanted you to?”

“Hell yeah.” Wyatt nodded once. “Even then.”

Eric stared out the window. “Shit.”

“Did you ever consider going with her?” Wyatt asked after a while.

“Of course I did.” The waitress came and set the two mugs of coffee on the table then politely left them alone. “I signed a contract with my firm right before we met. I’m locked in for four years.”

“Get a lawyer,” Wyatt immediately said.

Eric snorted. “Ha-ha, very funny.”

“I’m serious. Get a damn lawyer. Find a way out.” Wyatt rested his elbows on the table. “If you really want to be with her, you’ll find a way. You might have to take a loss, but you’ll gain more, if you’re with her. If you really love her…don’t give up without a fight. Don’t regret this for the rest of your life.”

“There’s no getting out of it. I’m junior partner now. I can’t just walk away.”

“Then fucking run,” Wyatt shot back. “Dad taught us to fight for what we wanted. To never back down. You’ve lived your life this way for years now. You fought your way to being the youngest junior partner in your firm. Now, fight your damn way out of it.”

Eric stared at him, speechless.

Could he…?

“Unless you’d rather let her go,” Wyatt finished, shrugging and leaning back in his chair. “Ultimately, that’s up to you, though.”

Eric stood, his heart racing. “Rain check?”

Chapter Twenty-Two

Three days.