“It is.”

Wyatt let out a breath, shoving his hands into his pockets. Two girls across the street stopped and stared, whispering to each other. His brother had been spotted. “Are you actually going to let her go?”

“It’s what she wants.”

“What if it’s what she wanted, but doesn’t want anymore?” Wyatt asked slowly.

“Before we kissed the first time, she told me if I let her, she might change her mind and stay with me. I swore I wouldn’t let her.” He dragged a hand through his hair. “I kept my promise, no matter how much it ripped me apart. She’s getting what she always wanted, and I’m not standing in her way. That has to be good enough for me.”

Wyatt shook his head. “I guess so.”

Eric said nothing.

“You slept at Mom and Dad’s last night?” Wyatt asked.

“They told you?”

Wyatt tsked. “Yeah. Mom’s worried. She could tell something was wrong.”

Eric said nothing.

There was nothing to say.

“Want to grab a bite to eat?” Wyatt asked, after a period of silence.

“Hell yes.” He gestured to the pub across the street. “There?”

“Sure,” his brother said, heading that way, toward the girls. They giggled and pulled out their phones, and Wyatt smiled at them. “Do you mind?”

“Of course not,” Eric said, glancing over his shoulder at his building. “I’ll wait inside?”

“Okay,” Wyatt said, veering off toward the women while Eric headed for the door.

As he pushed inside, he surveyed the room. It was mostly empty, aside from an old couple in the back of the pub. Good. He didn’t want to deal with people.

He sat by the window where he could watch for Shelby leaving, and set his phone on the table. Leaning back in the chair, he watched as the movers wheeled out carts with boxes stacked on them, and knew it was almost over.

When he’d been in her apartment, there hadn’t been much left.

Soon, she’d come out.

She’d le


“Can I get you something to drink?” the waitress asked, her tone flirtatious.

“Two coffees, please. Black.”

She left, and he glanced out the window again. Shelby came out wearing a jacket and clutching her purse. As she walked outside, she glanced up at the building, her face pensive. He gripped the edge of the table, watching her. She can’t leave me.

Shoving his chair back, he stood.

Then he forced himself to sit the hell back down.

This is what she wants.

Shaking herself off, she headed toward the moving truck, handed them a tip, and then walked in the opposite direction toward a waiting taxi cab. She slipped inside, shutting the door behind her. As the car pulled away from the curb, Eric raised his hand and waved at her.