She groaned, giving up a fight she never had a chance of winning. “Kiss me.”

“Absolutely,” he growled, closing the distance between them. The second his lips touched hers, it was like the whole world became brighter, clearer, and more beautiful. It was like angels sang from above, and rainbows surrounded them, and a harp strummed whimsically.

In all seriousness?

It was frigging amazing.

He backed her against the wall separating her kitchen from her dining area, and deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue between her lips as if he’d done so a million times. It felt so natural. So right. So real. When his tongue touched hers, she gasped. Millions of nerves came alive, begging for him to take her.

To make her his.

He broke the kiss off, groaning, and rested his forehead on hers, his shoulders rising and falling with each ragged breath he took. He thrust his hips against hers, teasing her with his large hardness, and she moaned, letting her eyes close. “I gave you a kiss. I gave you what you asked for. If that’s all you want, tell me now.”

She should stop here. Every single sane thought in her brain screamed for her to stop. To back off. She didn’t move.

At her silence, he nodded once and stepped back. Running a hand down his face, he let out a ragged sigh and took another step backward toward the door. “I had a lovely night with you, Shel. Thank you for spending the evening with me. I’ll see you in the morning.”

She watched him grab his jacket and walk toward the door. Collapsing against the wall, she touched her mouth, shivering. She could still feel him, his mouth on hers as his hands cradled her. She’d never felt so safe. So cherished. “I can’t fall for you.”

“Then don’t,” he said, grabbing the knob.

“I won’t. When I get a job offer, I’m out of here.”

“I’ll help you pack,” he shot back, opening the door. “Good night, Shel.”

“Wait,” she called out, stumbling after him. “Close the door.”

“Shel…” he said, not closing the door.

She walked up next to him, slammed it shut, and pushed him against it. He dropped his jacket and stared at her with wide eyes. “We’re both clear. No one will be falling for anyone.”

He shook his head, his hands on her hips. “I swear I won’t fall for you. I don’t even think I know how to, if we’re being honest.”

“And I swear not to fall for you,” she breathed, burying her hands in his hair. “Now kiss me, and don’t stop this time.”

He closed the distance between them again, one hand sliding up her back to press her closer and the other cupping her butt. He claimed her, kissing her until all that was left in her mind was him. His hands. His tongue. His hardness pressed against her. She wasn’t sure if she remembered how to breathe anymore, but she didn’t care.

Breathing was overrated. This was where it was at.

In Eric’s arms.

Chapter Eleven

Everything he ever wanted, anything he ever dreamt of, was in his arms right now, and he wasn’t about to let go. He’d kissed lots of women. Fucked a few, too. But here, with Shelby’s lips pressed sweetly to his as he tasted her, was what it was all about. This was what books talked about, and songs sang about. It was a damn life-changing experience.

Picking her up, he held her close as he walked toward her bedroom, his mouth never leaving hers. He pushed the door open and went inside, laying her down gently on her bed. He stepped back, taking a second to look around. It was dark, and he couldn’t see anything, which wouldn’t do. If he was going to make love to Shelby, he damn well wanted to be able to see it. “Light?”

“By the door,” she said breathlessly.

He crossed the darkness carefully and felt on the wall for the switch. His fingers found it, pushed it up, then he turned around. His breath stuck in his throat. She lay on the bed, one foot on the floor, the other on the edge of the bed, exactly where he’d laid her, and her hair fell around her beautiful face like waves of heaven—

Wait just a goddamn second.

Waves full of heaven.

What the fuck did that even mean? He was losing his mind. Losing it in Shelby, and there wasn’t a damn thing to do to stop it. Even worse? He didn’t want to.

“Eric?” she asked breathlessly, biting down on her plump lip. “Everything okay?”