Eric Hamilton was a good friend.

But…despite all the reasons not to, she wanted him to be more than that. She wanted to find out what it would be like if, for once in her life, she let her guard down and did something she knew she shouldn’t.

If, just once, she forgot about her past mistakes and allowed herself to make new ones. Kissing Eric might be a mistake, but she couldn’t think of one she’d rather make.

He cupped her chin and ran his thumb over her bottom lip. “You’re so goddamned beautiful, Shel. Inside and out.”

She blinked because he was looking at her like he was dying and she was the only cure, and man, that was hard to ignore. “You’re more beautiful.”

He snorted. “No, I’m not. I’m a dude.”

“So?” Hesitantly, she reached out and touched his chin. The words flowed out of her like a fully opened faucet, and there was no stopping them. “I like how hard your jaw is, and the way your hair falls over your forehead when it doesn’t stay in place. The way your suits fit you are nothing less than their own private form of artwork. Did you know that when you argue with someone, your eyes turn a steely shade of gray, erasing any hint of blue until you win, and they change back to your normal color? Oh, and speaking of your eyes? They’re the prettiest I’ve ever seen. I could lose myself in them, if I let myself.”

He swallowed, his cheeks coloring and his eyes turning bluer than she’d ever seen them. What did that mean? She was dying to know. “Shel…”

“I like the way you say my name, too,” she said quickly. With a boldness she’d never felt before, she curled her hand behind his neck, holding on tight. All it would take was a simple movement, a shift of her position, and their lips could touch. She’d finally get to find out what he tasted like, and if he was as good a kisser as she thought he might be. “I like lots of things about you, Eric. Too many.”

His hand slid down to her hip, grabbing hold possessively, and there was something about the way he held her, something about the knowledge that he could easily pick her up and carry her to bed the second she gave him permission, that stole the breath right out of her lungs.

It would be so easy to let him…

And so, so stupid.

Maybe it was the wine she’d drunk, or the way he was looking at her, or maybe she was just frigging horny and needed a break, but God, she wanted to be stupid tonight. “Kiss me.”

He froze. “What?”

A part of her, that careful, cautious part of her, wanted to take it back. To pretend she’d never said that, and laugh it off like she should.

“I said, I want you to kiss me,” she said, ignoring that ever-cautious side of her she never ignored…until now. She dug her nails into the back of his neck, shaking her head slightly. “No, actually, I need you to kiss me. Like, right now. I feel like I might die if you don’t, and I don’t want to die. Don’t let me die. Save me, Eric.”

He lowered his face to hers, clearly perfectly content to give her what she wanted, but then he stopped just short of showing her how amazing his lips on hers could be. “Fuck. I need to go. Now.”

Then he stepped back.

Actually stepped back.

What world was this?

He’d been telling her they should hook up, that they’d be perfect for one another, but now that she actually voiced the same thoughts, he frigging stepped back? “W-What?” she asked, unable to believe what she’d heard. “Why?”

“You’ve been drinking all night,” he said, stopping at


Clearly, he thought that was enough of a reason not to kiss her. She, however, disagreed. “I had a couple of glasses of wine. That’s it.”

“I know. And if you were anyone else, I would acknowledge that and kiss the hell out of you. But with you, there can be no room for error. We’re not just people who don’t know one another. We’re friends, and I don’t want to mess that up.” He stepped to the side, clearly wanting to leave, but she was blocking his only way out. She’d keep it that way for now, thank you very much. “You made it very clear, while sober, that you didn’t want to kiss me, Shel.”

“Well, now I’m making it perfectly clear that I changed my mind,” she said slowly, taking a step toward him.

He stiffened, watching her approach. “I won’t be able to stop at a kiss. If I kiss you, I’m going to have to touch you. If I touch you, I’m going to have to make you come. And if I make you come, you can bet your perfect little ass I’m going to want to fuck you.”

“Fine. Whatever,” she shot back, an involuntary shiver creeping down her back. “That’s a risk I’m willing to take.”

He ran his hand through his hair, shaking his head. “Well, I’m not. I won’t kiss you for the first time when you’re drunk. When I kiss you, if I kiss you, it won’t be when you’re tipsy at best, drunk at worst. If you want me to kiss you, ask me tomorrow.”

She let out another laugh because he skated around her like she was diseased. “Are you actually serious right now? I’m telling you I’m not drunk.”