“I asked around.” He gave her an uneven grin that was way too sexy for her safety and held out a cup. “Good morning, Shel.”

She took the drink, her pulse picking up speed when his fingers touched hers, and stared at him. She was happy to see him this morning. Too happy. “Good morning.”

After she had her latte firmly in hand, he walked toward the elevator, talking as he went. “I have an early case this morning, so I wasn’t sure if you’d be out in time. But then I realized you were on that case, too, so you’d be leaving when I did, if you really did like to be on time like you said last night, so I decided to risk it.” He checked the time. “And it paid off. Right on schedule. I like this new version of you. It’s very punctual.”

She snorted. “It’s not new. It’s just me.”

The elevator opened, and he gestured her inside first. He was always the perfect gentleman. Was he a gentleman in bed, too? Did he ask permission before touching? Or was he dirty in bed? Something instinctual told her he was. Her temperature rose, and her legs shook as she walked past him, picturing him doing very dirty things to her.

Her arm brushed against his chest, and she bit back a moan.

God, she was out of control.

But, really, was it so bad to want to sleep with him? That’s what he did. Slept with people and moved on. He never fell for any of the girls he took home, and if she was careful to keep this just about sex, couldn’t she have a little fun with him before she turned the page to the next chapter of her life? As long as she remembered she couldn’t fall for him…

But could she trust herself not to?

She wasn’t sure.

That was the problem.

She took a big bite out of her muffin, staring at his abs. They looked so hard. She’d bet if he took his shirt off, she could count each and every—

“Are you okay?” he asked, eyeing her curiously as the door shut behind them.

She couldn’t answer because the muffin was dry and she had—oh the irony—bitten off more than she could chew. By the time she swallowed, she’d been sure she was going to choke to death right in front of the man she wanted to have sex with. They could put it on her obituary. Choked on a muffin, because she was too much

of a coward to tell a guy she wanted him. “Yes. Of course. Why do you ask?”

“You were staring at me weird.”

Her cheeks heated. “Sorry. I was lost in thought.”

That cocky brow of his shot up, and he stared at her with blue-gray eyes that had haunted her last night after he dropped her off at her door and shook her hand. He didn’t even try to kiss her but had stuck to his promise to be her friend, if that was all she wanted.

God, she wanted more.

She just didn’t want to want more.

“About…?” he finally asked.

She took another bite of her muffin. Say it. Tell him you rethought your stance, and maybe he had a point last night after all. That their situation was ideal, and no one would get attached, and a little bit of casual, fun sex was just what the doctor ordered for some sound sleep.

Because, God, she was horny, and he was her wet dream.

After she’d swallowed, she took a sip of coffee, and followed him into the lobby. “Nothing. I just…”

She didn’t finish the thought.

He opened the door for her. “You just…?”

“Nothing,” she said, avoiding his gaze.

“Okay.” He eyed her a little weirdly. “Would you like a ride to work?”

Alone in the car with him? Hell no. But…she was late, and not having to fight for a spot on the bus was a pretty welcoming thought. “If you don’t mind?”

“Not at all.” He led her to a black Ferrari, because of course he had a Ferrari, and opened her door for her. “Should I drop you off at the courthouse, or somewhere else?”