She rolled her eyes. “And you want a calendar? If you wanted to bring them back into our lives, you could have just said it.”

He laughed. “It’s not that.”

“Then what?”

He tipped his head toward the item in her hand. “Open it.”

Glancing down, her heart skipped a beat. She was almost afraid to see what was inside. The past year had been the best year of her life. He’d swept her off her feet that night at her old apartment, and he hadn’t let her touch the ground again. They had a few fights, sure, but each time they made up, it drew them closer to each other, and she couldn’t imagine her life without him in it. What if whatever was in here threw that balance off?

What if she was greedy to hope for more?

He cleared his throat and reached into his back pocket again, not removing his hand. It wouldn’t have been weird in any other circumstance, but sitting like they were on the couch, with her on his lap…it looked less than comfortable, to say the least. “Open it.”

“Okay…” She opened it. There were no markings, no mentions of meetings. It was completely bare except—she stopped flipping through at the date circled in pink. “What…?”

He slid out from under her and fell to one knee. It took her a full three seconds to figure out why, and when she did, she dropped the book and covered her mouth.

Smiling nervously, he held the diamond ring up. “This is the last time I’ll ever circle a date in my planner, but it felt way too huge to not do so.”

She swallowed, pressing her hand more fully to her mouth.

“So…I was thinking, if you’re not too busy that day, you might like to spend the day wearing a dress. I’ll wear a tux. But there’s one condition.”

She nodded for him to continue, not speaking because there were no words inside of her right now. Just incoherent squealing and shrieking.

“You have to promise, in front of everyone, to be mine for the rest of our lives. I love you so much, more than I ever thought possible, and the only way I could be any happier is if you did me the honor of being my wife.” He swallowed, his hand shaking slightly, which only made her eyes tear up even more, because Taylor never trembled. “Sam, will you marry me?”

She lowered her hands, tears streaming down her cheeks. “What did you say your answer would always be to me?”

“I…” He swallowed again. “I want to hear you say it.”

“Yes.” She sat up and swung her knees over the side of the couch, covering his hand with both of hers. “Always yes.”

He closed the distance between them, kissing her, and she clung to him with her eyes shut and her heart pounding so loudly she couldn’t hear the internal shrieking anymore.

When he pulled back, he gently slid the ring on her finger, running his hand over her knuckle. “I love you, Sam. So damn much.”

“I love you, too.”

He kissed her again, and as he lowered her on the couch and slid his body over hers, she thanked God that a year ago, she’d been too distracted and bid on the wrong man, because he was, hands down, the best mistake she’d ever made.