“But—” Izzy started.

“No,” Sam cut in. “No buts. He’s fun, and I like him, and he’s good in bed, but we have an agreement to keep things as-is, and I intend to hold him to it.”

“If you say so,” Izzy said, holding her hands up in surrender. “But if you ask me, it sounds like he wants more than that.”

Sam avoided her eyes. “He was just saying nice things because we got in a fight.”

“Or because he cares and wants more,” Izzy argued. “And judging by the fact that you’re continuing to hang with him against your better judgment, I’m going to guess that you do, too.”

“No, I don’t, because that would be stupid, and I’m not dumb.”

Izzy snorted. “Keep telling yourself that.”

She sipped her coffee, actively avoiding her friend’s gaze, and stumbled upon something she couldn’t believe. It was as if she’d magically conjured him by speaking about him. She blinked, doubting her vision, but sure enough, he stood outside the coffee shop, holding a briefcase and wearing the same long gray wool coat he’d left the apartment in this morning. The collar was upturned to protect him from Chicago’s biting wind, and his hair was mussed.

“That’s him,” she hissed, kicking Izzy under the table. “Out there.”

Izzy’s eyes widened. When she gasped, Sam grinned. “The guy in the Sherlock-esque jacket?”


“I didn’t think anyone else could rock an upturned collar besides Benedict Cumberbatch, but damn.” She turned back to Sam, snapping her fingers. “If you’re not willing to risk it all for a guy who looks like that, you don’t deserve amazing sex. I take my gift back.”

Sam laughed. “You can’t do that.”

“Sure, I can. I’m magic, bitch.”

He had his back to her, so he hadn’t seen her. Watching him without his knowledge was wrong, but she was way too curious about what he was up to outside of the office to care too much.

“I wonder who he’s meeting,” Izzy said.

Sam stiffened, her mind going in a million different directions all at once. “What makes you think he’s meeting someone?”

“Why else would he hang outside in the cold when he could be in here where the coffee and heat is?” she asked. “Are you going to say hi to him or lower your head, wait to see if he sees you, and act surprised when he does, as if you didn’t see him coming from a mile away?”

Sam pursed her lips. “I’m gonna go with option B.”

“Then lower your head. He’s coming in with a girl—oh, she’s pretty.”

“What?” Sam snapped, lifting her head.

Sure enough, a gorgeous woman stood beside him, talking animatedly. He offered her an indulgent smile, and his eyes held a warmth that she thought had been reserved for her.

How silly of her.

“Maybe she’s a work colleague? Or a client?” Sam whispered.

Izzy nodded. “I’m sure.”

“It doesn’t mean anything—” Sam broke off.


Because the woman reached out and picked a fuzzy off his jacket, and he didn’t react at all. It was as if she did it all the time and had every right to touch him like that.

Who was she?

“That’s…SAM. She picked lint off him.”