“Okay,” she said quietly.

He stiffened. “Okay?”

She nodded. “Yes, I’ll be your girlfriend.”

Grinning, he kissed her, finally giving her what she wanted—himself.

Chapter Eighteen

The past couple of days with Taylor had been…there was no other word for it. Though she rarely used it, she had to make an exception this time. It had been perfect. He’d been so openly honest with her, and little by little, Sam was doing the same.

She’d told him she used to live in a mansion and had her every whim catered to and all about her childhood, including how she’d gone to prep school and moved up here to Chicago to not only go to college, but to escape her old life and all the trappings that came with it. Of course, she didn’t mention what she was escaping, or what her parents had done, but that wasn’t something she just told anyone.

Still, though, she wanted to tell him.

Maybe it was time.

But what if he called it all off?

Was she ready to take that risk?

She gripped her napkin, twisting it.

Empty dishes sat between them, since they’d just finished eating, and he’d filled their glasses with wine. It was Thursday night, which meant tomorrow night he’d have to leave her alone for a little while, since she still refused to accompany him to his charity gala, despite his repeated attempts at changing her mind.

Last night as they lay in bed together, he’d told her about his younger sister, Grace, and how she was pursuing her medical degree, almost finished with med school, and that he was paying for it in full. He also paid for his “little brother” to go to private school, so he could have his best shot at life. She was in awe of his generosity and kind heart.

He smiled at her, and she grinned back. “Did you change your mind yet?”

The grin faded away immediately. “No.”

“But I don’t understand why we can’t go together. No one even knows who you are.”

She made an impulsive decision to come clean. It was time for him to know who she was and what her parents had done. It was time to tell him the truth.

And if he didn’t like her…

Then so be it. Or so she kept telling herself, anyway.

“I don’t have any siblings.”

He blinked at the abrupt change of topic but immediately adjusted, leaning forward eagerly. “Okay.”

“As a kid, my parents were the best you could ask for. Anything I wanted? I got it. I was the apple of their eye. Their whole life. They never missed anything I did and came to every horrible concert, play, and game—whatever I was into at the time. They were there.”

He nodded.

“Back then I thought the world revolved around them.” She swallowed, admitting something for the first time. “I miss them, that version of them. They were all I had.”

He picked up his wine, took a sip, and asked: “Have you ever thought about contacting them again?”

“I have thought about it.” She picked up her wine, taking a big gulp. “My mom called me today to say happy birthday.”

He slammed the glass down. “Wait. Hold up. It’s your birthday?”

“Yeah.” She waved a hand. “That’s not the point.”

He stood. “But—”