She picked up her menu, her mind still firmly on him tied up naked in his bed, at her full disposal. “Almost. I’m thinking maybe pancakes and bacon.”

“But that’s breakfast,” he said, staring at her as if she’d lost her mind.

“And this diner serves breakfast all day. It’s why I picked it.”

He continued to stare at her as if she had a worm crawling out of her nose. Something told her he’d find that easier to accept than her dinner order. “Because you wanted breakfast. For dinner,” he said flatly.

She nodded, biting the inside of her cheek to keep from grinning.

He was too frigging funny. He tried so hard to appear to be laid-back and chill, but he couldn’t fool her. Not anymore.

Shaking his head, he picked up his menu again.

“Still no Thai,” she said, guilt starting to overshadow her amusement at his displacement. Maybe they should just go—

“I’ll do an omelet with home fries.”

She blinked. “Oh yeah?”

“Yep. And hot chocolate with a lot of whipped cream.”

He settled back against the red plastic booth with contentment written all over his face, as if he’d accomplished something huge. His childlike satisfaction tugged at heartstrings he had no right touching, so she focused on anything but him. Everything about this diner screamed the 1950s, but it probably wasn’t actually that old.

“What are you getting?” he asked, shifting his weight slightly as he tugged at his sleeves.

“I’m not sure now.” She pursed her lips. “Your order sounds pretty delicious.”

A cocky brow rose. He always did that, and it should have annoyed her, that brow, but it made her heart race and her legs tremble, and she wanted to kiss him. Ugh. “It will be.”

Her phone buzzed, and Sam pulled it out.

It was a text from her best friend, Izzy. Vegas was a disaster. Will explain when back. Decided to take some time to myself.

Frowning, she quickly typed: Wait, what? Are you okay? CALL ME.

Not now, I need time. No marriage, I’m still single, and I decided to stay in Vegas a few days. I’m okay, promise.

Sam hesitated. She was glad Izzy didn’t marry the prick but upset her friend had been hurt. But are you sure you’re okay?

Izzy sent a pic of herself sitting at a table in front of a fake Eiffel Tower, holding a drink and with a hot guy at her side also smiling. I’m great.

“Damn,” Sam muttered, grinning. Call me tonight, she typed quickly.

“Everything okay?” Taylor asked cautiously.

“Yeah, it’s my best friend. She went to Vegas to get married, but instead picked up this dude,” she said, showing him the photo.

He nodded. “The one whose brother you were supposed to save?”

“None other,” she agreed.

“I’m glad you were wrong that night,” he said quietly.

She smiled at him. “Me, too. He wasn’t, though.”

Taylor laughed.

The waiter came, and they ordered their meals.