“Speaking of business transactions, I have a few rules of my own for ours.”

He cocked a brow, his caress freezing instantly. “Go on.”

“No ‘society’ events on this date.” She clenched her teeth. “No exceptions.”

His frown deepened. “All right. May I ask why?”

She hesitated. Stick to the truth, or evade the question? In her experience, the more she stuck to the truth, the less likely she would be to risk unwanted probing. “It’s not worth the attention I would bring to the table, since I used to be a famous actress and all that.”

He stared, a muscle in his jaw ticking as he considered her. “You can trust me with more than the bare minimum, but I promise not to push for more than you’re willing to give, and I’m a man of my word.”

She forced a smile. “Thanks.”

“Any more clauses?” he asked tightly.

She thought about it for a second and shook her head. “Should I run this by my lawyer?” she joked, trying to lighten the moment.

He didn’t seem to get that. “If you’d like, sure. I can have my secretary draft up a document—”

“Oh my God, no.” She let out a laugh. “I was kidding. It just felt so…formal.”

“Well, when you think of it, personal relationships are just like business ones. Boundaries are laid. Expectations voiced. Agreements hatched and drafted.” He ran the backs of his knuckles over her cheek, and the breath she’d been taking hitched in her throat. “They’re not so different.”

“That’s a weird way to look at life.”

He lifted a shoulder. “So. We have a deal? We’re on a date until we decide otherwise—which, of course, we are both free to do at any given time. We don’t go out to society events together, we won’t fall in love. Did I forget anything?”

She shook her head. “I think that covers it.”


She bit her lip. “Well, now that that’s settled—”

“It’s tomorrow.”

A nervous laugh escaped her. “Yeah—”

The words died on her tongue, because he kissed her, effectively swallowing them whole. She gripped his suit jacket, holding on tightly as his mouth moved over hers. He backed her against the nearest wall, his lips commanding her full attention as he tugged her shirt out of her skirt effortlessly.

Before he lifted it up, he ended the kiss, breathing raggedly as he searched her gaze for something. What? She had no idea. She kind of hoped he didn’t find it, though.

“I want to make you come again, and this time I’m going to fuck you properly. That okay with you?” he asked, his voice low and steady as if he wasn’t even slightly turned on right now when she was about to die.

She nodded, tugging him down by the back of his neck.

“Thank God,” he mumbled under his breath before he picked her up, hauled her into his arms, and carried her into his room, his mouth never leaving hers as he walked.

She silently echoed the sentiment.

Chapter Ten

Even though it had only been hours since he’d k

issed her—since he’d met her, even—it seemed more like he’d been waiting for years. Her sweet mouth pressed to his was all he’d been able to think about as he’d spent a long, sleepless night alone on the uncomfortable mattress in the guest bedroom—he really needed to buy a new one—regretting his impulsive decision to wait until today to touch her.

Lowering her to the comforter, he stepped back, appreciating the moment. Her hair fell down her back, her lips slightly swollen and her cheeks tinged pink. By the time he was finished with her, she would be quivering with pleasure and deliciously naked…and she’d forget all about ever wanting to go home. She was still hesitant, even now. Because of this, he took his time unbuttoning his shirt.

Clothing would only get in the way after he climbed on that bed.