“I fail to see how you couldn’t.”

He half snorted, half laughed, and stepped back from her. “You have a point. As far as your request goes, yes, I have two showers, so that could be arranged.”

“Great, that would be great,” she said, cheeks hot because that hadn’t been what she meant at all.


They locked eyes.

Silence fell.

“Follow me,” he said, pushing off the glass and fully removing his body from hers. “The guest bathroom is this way.”


As soon as his heat left her, she wrapped her arms around herself, shivering. He led her into a bathroom that was larger than her apartment. As they passed a closet, he opened the door, removed a red towel, and held it out with a raised eyebrow. “Red okay?”

She took it, her fingers brushing his. Just that short skin contact sent a shiver through her entire body. “I love red.”

“Me, too,” he said, offering her a smile. He opened the shower door and gestured to the knob on the wall. The entire shower was encased in glass, and the tiles on the wall and floor were a deep gray color. “Left is hot, right is cold, the middle is lukewarm. Take as long as you’d like. I’ll go wash up in the master bedroom. There’s a robe hanging on the door, feel free to use it, and we could wash your clothing.”

She swallowed. “How many women have worn that robe?”


She hesitated, hugging the towel to her chest. “Someone special?”

“You could say that.” He shoved a hand through his hair. “I’ll leave you to it.”

He left, shutting the door behind him quietly. She stared at that closed door for far too long before undressing and getting in the shower. After she finished, she wrapped herself in the robe he’d mentioned, walked back out into the living room, and searched for Taylor.

He was nowhere to be found.

Still showering, she supposed.

Walking up to the window again, she took a second to admire the view. If only she were brave enough to go into the other bathroom, drop her robe, and climb into the shower with him. But what if he didn’t want her to? What if he wasn’t interested in her?

He almost kissed you earlier, her inner voice said. But you just had to shower, didn’t you?

“I smelled,” she whispered.

“What?” he asked from behind her.

She jumped, holding a hand to her racing heart, and backed up against the window. “You scared me. I thought you were showering.”

“Sorry, I was already finished and was in the kitchen getting this,” he said, his lips quirking up as he held out a glass filled with bubbling champagne. “Care for a drink?”

She took the offering and lifted it to her mouth.

He did the same.

“You’re good,” she said, licking the excess off her lips.

He cocked a brow. “What do you mean?”

“You’ve got this whole thing down,” she said, gesturing between them. He, too, wore a robe, and…presumably…like her, was naked underneath. “The seduction thing.”

His lips quirked into a half smile as he closed the distance between them, stopping when their toes touched. “You think?”