She cocked her head adorably. “Starving, actually.”

“Me too,” he breathed, staring at her mouth.

She cleared her throat, hugging herself, and took a step back. Was it just him, or did she tremble? “Wh-Where do you want to go?”

“Would you rather decide?”

Shaking her head, she bit her lip. “You pick.”

Fuck. “Okay.” He opened the car door for her, smiling nervously. “I know the perfect place.” Liar. “Not too fancy, not too plain.”

Sliding into the seat, she smiled back at him. “Can’t wait.”

Where the fuck was he going to take her that wasn’t too fancy or plain? As he opened his door, he remembered a place he went after work one night with his coworkers. It had thrown off his whole food schedule, but it had been worth it.

Grinning for real this time, he settled behind the wheel with a newfound confidence. It was about damn time. “Do you like whiskey?”

She blinked. “Not really.”

“Irish beer?”

She shrugged. “I’m a sucker for a good Irish cider.”

“Then you’ll love where I’m taking you.”

After buckling up, she glanced at her outfit. “Mind if we stop by my place first? I’d like to freshen up.”

He swallowed hard. He’d offered to bring her earlier, but she’d refused. “Of course. It’s on the way to my place, actually.”

“Perfect.” She fidgeted with the seat belt. “I’m sorry.”

He side-eyed her and pulled onto the road. Traffic was surprisingly light. “There’s nothing to be sorry for. I don’t mind stopping.”

“No, not for that. I’m sorry for misjudging you.” Her fingers ran over the belt faster. “I had it in my head that you were an asshole, and I treated you like one when we first met.”

“In all fairness, I’m an asshole most of the time.”

“But not now?”

“Not when I’m with you,” he stated easily.

Rolling her eyes, she let out a small laugh. There was something about that combination that thrilled him and made him even more determined to win her over. No one ever rolled their eyes at him anymore—they were too worried about offending him. “Wow. That was cheesy.”

“I’ve got more where that came from.”

She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. “I bet they work on all the ladies, don’t they?”

“I don’t know. I don’t normally have to work this hard.” He shot her a teasing wink. “I feel like I’ve run twenty miles today.”

She snorted. “Let me guess? Normally you wave money at women who catch your eye, and they collapse at your feet.”

“Pretty much.” He hesitated. “Though, sometimes I catch them before they hit the ground, if I’m feeling magnanimous.”

She face-palmed. “Oh. My. God.”

“Nope, just me.” He pulled into her parking lot, not wanting to drop this fun, lighthearted tone they had going on. “You know, I just thought of something. The date is officially over once I bring you home.”

She stared at the apartment. “At the end of the night.”