refrigerators and stuff on the TV strong man competitions. He had that military look too, the buzz haircut and everything.

How would Mac make this work? Got it.

So there I am standing at the cash register when Mac slaps down a gigantic turkey baster.

Don’t ask.

I don’t know why he’s buying a turkey baster. It’s not even close to Thanksgiving.

But he buys that, and that alone. And of course, being a friendly customer service professional, I say to him, “Hi, welcome to Savory Save. You know what goes good with a turkey baster?”

At that point, Mac would smile at me and pass me a wink. He’d say something like, “Oh I don’t plan to baste turkeys, but tell me, what do YOU think would go good with a turkey baster?”

And then I’d lift my skirt, pull down my panties, and climb up onto the conveyor. I’d shove my pussy in his direction and I’d say, “This!”

Ahahahaha. You see? I suck at this!

Back to reality. What do you think Mac actually put down on the conveyor?

I can tell you it wasn’t a turkey baster. It was a can of shaving cream, a tin of coffee, a package of bologna, a package of cheese, a loaf of bread, and tampons. The last item was a deal breaker.

You can tell a lot about a man from the stuff he buys. It’s a game I play often when I’m super bored.

The shaving cream was for him. His haircut and the fact that he was a cop meant he needed to stay well-groomed. That was a given. He was also a good ol’ boy. Once you heard him talk you’d know that from his southern drawl. But just seeing the bologna, cheese, and bread told me that he didn’t go for the fancier ham or roast beef or pastrami. He was a mama’s boy. A bologna kind of boy.

And the tampons said that he was either married, had a serious girlfriend, had an older daughter, or was keeping a chick captive in his basement.

I figured he was probably married.

Nothing about my five-second fantasy with Mac turned me on. But I was determined to be turned on by the end of the shift. I was going to fantasy fuck someone right there amidst the chocolate bars, the gum, and the condoms.

Once the eight o’clock rush kicked in I was way too busy to think about anyone in a sexual manner. Frustration set in instead and I was just looking forward to getting everyone out of my lane as quickly as possible. And then they did and thing slowed down to a crawl again.

Pam waved goodbye on her way out the door. She’d come in towards the end of my graveyard shift and left a couple of hours into this one, meaning she probably worked less than six hours.

Typical Manager Pam.

And she considered herself our “lead by example” kind of manager. We’d had meetings about it.

Finally, my chance at redemption strolled up to my lane. I called this one James. He was a thin but very muscular black man who worked next door at the gym. He always wore tank tops and sweatpants and he was super sexy.


It wouldn’t be hard to find out his real name since he always used his frequent shopper card and his name would pop up on the screen but I didn’t want to know his name. This was fantasy time.

So how would James do this? Easy. James would tell me that he liked my pecs.

Ahahaha, no, not already. I have to give this one a go. Seriously. Time to concentrate, Gina. Think sexy thoughts.

As James piled his items up in front of me, I suddenly slipped out of goofball mode. I closed my eyes for just a second and when I opened them again I was in the zone.

James stood there in front of me looking tall, dark, and handsome. I started to pick up his first item, a box of cereal, and pass it over the scanner. But he stopped me with a hand on mine.

“You know, I come in here a lot since I work next door. You’re my favorite cashier. The scenery in the store isn’t all that great, except in lane…”

He looked up and checked the number hanging over our heads.

“…twelve. The sun’s a lot brighter here in twelve. I have an idea. I’m giving private tours of the gym right at…when’s your break?”