I stepped out of my car and quickly pulled my hood up over my head. I think Ferrah’s intentions were for us to wear the robe and only the robe, but fuck that. I was weary enough about showing up at a strange hotel room. I wasn’t going commando.

I kept my head down just in case someone else was sitting in his or her car watching people show up for our rendezvous. I was sure someone was out there peeking.

I took the stairs one at a time. I was in no rush. I was too nervous to be in a hurry.

This was one of those hotels with external access to the rooms. The hallways were open and all the doors were clearly visible from the parking lot. I shuffled my way down the breezy corridor, searching for Room #76. I found it and stood there for a second staring at the peephole in front of me.

Would Ferrah cheat and look out of the peephole? Would she have her eyes open while I wore a blindfold? I already knew what she looked like so I guessed if she cheated it wasn’t that big a deal. It was only fair.

I pulled a black lace blindfold from my pocket and wrapped it around my head. I could still see so I adjusted the fabric until I was in the dark.

I knocked once. Twice. Three times.

Or is it thrice?

“Just a second,” came a voice from the other side of the door.

I waited. My heart was doing backflips and a little kid with soccer cleats was kicking me in my nonexistent balls. I was freaking out.

“What’s the secret password?”

Was there a secret password? Fuck you. Would that work?

“Open the fucking door, Ferrah,” I said a little too loud.

“Don’t get your panties in a bunch. Do you have your blindfold on?”

“I do.”

The door squeaked open and then I felt her hand bump my shoulder and nearly touch my breast as she found me with her eyes closed. She led me inside and closed the door.

“Jane?” she asked.


“Right on time. You can take off your blindfold. It’s dark in here.”

I felt her hands on my face, as if she were actually blind and trying to discover me. She pulled off my blindfold and placed it in my hand. I pocketed it.

Then her lips touched mine. Just a little peck. I moved back, surprised.

“Just a friendly hello,” she said. “Thanks for coming.”

I smelled liquor on her breath.

I couldn’t see a thing. It was pitch black. Light glowed from the edges of the shade-drawn window but it wasn’t enough to illuminate the room.

“Who’s here?” I asked.

“So far just Stallion, Ray, and Veronica.”


“Goldenboy,” Ferrah said. “His real name’s Ray…like the sun’s golden rays? Cheesy I know. It’s his thing.”

She led me into the bedroom which was even darker than the living room. There was no window which meant no glowing around its edges.

“Oh my god,” I said. “This is insane. I can’t see a thing.”