As I watched their house one night from the porch of a house across the street, I couldn’t help imagining Dominic in a more dominant role, maybe taking his spatula into the bedroom with him. He’d line up Gwenneth and Violet and make them each take turns licking his balls while he fondled their nipples with cold eggbeaters.

Then his face flashed through my mind. The expression he wore when he’d taken off the blindfold and saw me with the ball gag. I highly doubted he’d be into anything group related for a while.


After three days had gone by and not a single sight or sound from Dominic, I really began to worry. I went to Pike about it. Since he was my only husband, he was required to stay home and look after the house for me. It was driving him nuts. He wasn’t exactly the stay-at-home kinda husband. He was much more suited for the maintenance or security roles.

Once Kent joined us he’d be free to switch to one of those duties but in the meantime he was stuck in the house. And that’s why he fucked me so much. Probably because it was either that or

do the dishes. That or take out the garbage. That or cook. He was amazing at THAT so he made sure to keep me occupied as often as possible.

When I found him that day he was standing in the bathroom, holding his limp dick in his hand and gawking at it.

I cleared my throat to let him know I was there. He didn’t jump or make up an excuse like I thought he would.

“Do you think…do you think I’ve gotten smaller?” he asked.

I had to put a hand to my mouth to stifle my laughter.

“What do you mean?”

“Like my dick got smaller. I can feel it.”

He turned to face me and he was quite big, drooping over his knuckles as he held it tight, looking like some chicken he’d snapped the neck on.

“Pike, I can promise you, from one who’s had that thing inside her a lot lately, you definitely haven’t gotten smaller.”

“Skinnier maybe?” he asked.

“Definitely not.”

I took it in my own hand and held it. I liked the feel of his sleeping cock resting in my palm. It didn’t stay limp for long. Like a hose when the water’s suddenly turned on full speed, it sprang to life.

“We need to test this cause I’m telling you I think it got smaller,” he said.

I pulled my hand away and left the bathroom.

He stalked naked into his bedroom like the stud that he was. No shame. Just pure man, covered in tats, ready to fuck his Dove. I patted the bed next to me and he sat down.

“Not right now,” I told him.

“But why the hell not?”

“There’s something important I need to talk to you about.”

He waited quietly for me to finish.

“It’s Dominic,” I said.

He squinted his eyes and turned an empty palm up toward the ceiling.

“What the fuck?” he asked. “That twerp finally leaves and I still have to worry about him? Let him go fuck Conan and Red Velvet over there. You know they only let him into the family so he’d cook their fuckin’ meals.”

“Exactly,” I said. “Anybody who knew Dominic would know that he’s not a match for them.”

“He’s not a match for anybody. He’s kinda weird. He just hangs around in the kitchen all the time.”

“I saw something one night, a few weeks ago,” I told him. “I saw Gwenneth having a threesome with Roscoe and Violet.”