*The characters in this book are fictional and fully understand the need to use protection during sex. If it is not mentioned in this novella, it is only to prevent the slowing down of the story or interruption to the fantasy element. Have fun and be safe!*

Intro – The Dove

Daughters of Venus. The Chosen. The Sacred.

Why did things happen the way they did?

Men and women were meant to live together in love, understanding, and sexual bliss. To have and to hold through sickness and health…till death do them part.

And with death they did part. Death of romance and commitment.

Life changed.

Maybe it was payback for men holding women down and forcing them to be the submissive partners to their greedy appetites. Always considered the head of the household, men often took multiple women outside of wedlock. Life continued at this sickening pace.

Until women would have no more of it. And so began the struggle for power.

Women wanted to become global business executives and world leaders and more. Men were no longer relied on to bring bread to the table.

As couples grew older and grew apart, new life didn’t start as it once did.

Why is still uncertain. Something in the water or in the air or in the food preservatives perhaps changed everything. Future conceptions resulted in an incredibly high amount of infant sons and an oddly low amount of daughters. Women were becoming extinct and only born to a chosen few.

These rarities, these special few females were in great danger as man’s desires overcame them, turning some into savages trying to take what didn’t belong to them. While some protected the ladies, others hunted them the way man stalks prey. A man with a woman on his arm was considered a champion as the dwindling female numbers made them nearly an extinct breed.

One specific group of woman hunters, the Venenum as they came to be known, would chase, rape, and often enslave any woman they came across. To them, women were seen as evil temptation.

Then there was the group of men that seemed to truly understand what was going on. God was finally holding the female form on a pedestal. We’d proven ourselves where men had failed. We were to be loved, cherished, and coveted as the beautiful and sexual beings we were.

Men were being punished with a vaginal drought.

Our sex was finally seen as treasure. Our bodies temples. Our love a gift.

Those of us who survived the Venenum collected as many of the loyal men we could find and moved to a mountain retreat we called The Dove.

Here in our makeshift paradise, women reign supreme and can take multiple husbands. The men, renamed as fellows, serve only one purpose: to care for and please their Daughter of Venus, their personal Dove, from all outsiders, especially the Venenum.

This is our story.

Daughters of Venus Rules and Regulations

There shall be a panel of seven, known henceforth as the Original Seven. If one member shall pass, either in death or in abandonment of post, their replacement shall become one of the seven.

These rules shall govern us all and can only be amended by a unanimous vote by the Original Seven.

No violence. If a hand is raised to another, other than for consensual sexual pleasure, the MAN committing the act will be banished.

A Daughter of Venus may take as many husbands as she likes keeping in mind the previous rule as jealousy is no excuse for violence in a household.

A Daughter of Venus is the head of the household, what she says goes. How she conducts her household is entirely upon her, but she will have the final word in all family matters and her part in community matters.

If a MAN feels that A Daughter of Venus’ requests are beyond reason, he may request a meeting with the Original Seven to state his case and discuss the possibility of remarriage. If the request is denied he may either go back to his Dove or leave the compound.

No Daughter of Venus will ever be banished from the compound. As a last resort, she may be forbidden from taking husbands.

All MEN will fulfill the required tasks of the Dove compound, in the following order.

1st Husband – Will provide for the compound (this means jobs given by the highest ranking man, to include maintenance, farming, and any other physical labor required).

2nd Husband – Will provide security for the compound (this means they will report to an armed post where they will carry out security and law enforcement duties).

3rd Husband – Will provide for the home (this means household chores, cooking, and anything else the Dove requires).

Any additional husband – In the rare event a Dove takes more than three husbands, the extra husband will rotate with the others, providing extra days at home with the Dove in pursuance of a daughter.

Any man wishing to enter into a marriage with a Daughter of Venus must present himself as a suitor and follow all rules set forth in the Dove Handbook. This includes a request for one-on-one suitor demonstration.