A look of disappointment flashed across Dominic’s face. For a second I got angry. If he didn’t want me to dance with Pike, he needed to man up and tell him no. That passionate, angry side from earlier that morning was coming back to the surface. Men needed to understand who was in charge.

“I don’t want to dance with you,” I said.

Dominic smiled.

“How do you expect me to earn your trust and get my shot at that suitor visit if you won’t even allow me a moment of your time? It’s just a dance. Please. Just a moment.”

I nodded and Dominic walked away. Pike put his arms around my waist leaving me no choice but to drape mine around his neck.

“You turned me down,” Pike said.

“Because you’re a cocky asshole,” I replied. “How dare you leave me waiting while the crowd wondered if anyone liked me?”

“I was just kidding,” he said.

“Well I wasn’t.”

“So you won’t consider my request?”

“How would Lauren feel about that?” I asked.

He chuckled.

“Lauren? I wouldn’t know.”

“And do you still have feelings for her because I know your feelings were pretty strong before?”

“Yes,” he said. “I still have feelings for her. In fact, I was talking to her a minute ago. I kissed her. Tried to anyway.”

Well, shit, dude. Lie to me at least.

He was too fucking honest. I couldn’t figure out if I liked that or hated it. How could he tell me this? I’d planned to fuck with him a little bit about it. I wanted to catch him in a lie. But what the hell?

“I want to be truthful with you,” he said. “I still have strong feelings for Lauren. There’s a connection there that I can’t shake. And if there’s anyone who can help me shake it, it’s you. I like you too. Lauren will never let me in. But if you take me as your fellow, I’ll worship you. I’ll take care of you.”

He got close to my ear and whispered. “Jessica, I know you’re a virgin, but if you choose me, I will fuck you. My cock will be yours for the taking. It’ll be yours in the morning, it’ll be yours in the afternoon, and it’ll be yours in the evening. I will fuck you like you could never imagine.”

I hung on every word. He had me. My forehead crashed to his shoulder and my body quivered. My pussy was instantly wet.

“Just think about it,” he said. “And think about me while you’re in the suitor cabin with Dominic. If I’m not on your mind at all, then tell me no tomorrow. But if I am, say yes to me, and prepare to be destroyed physically.”

With that, he kissed my forehead and walked away. And my knees buckled. Thank God Dominic swooped in and caught me before I fell. I’d never had a man speak to me like that before and suddenly I wanted him more than ever. And as Dominic’s scent filled me, that sweet smell of pine he always seemed to carry, I felt my thoughts slowly fading back to normal.

And then I was angry again. How dare he tempt me with such words, or assume that he could tempt me is more like it? He was a scoundrel barely allowed into our community and I was a Dove. He thought he would fuck me into oblivion? I might be a virgin but Pike was playing with fire. I was the hottest thing he’d ever encountered and I’d make sure he knew that.

But first, I needed to take out my frustrations on Dominic. This was his night and he would be the man to take my virginity. I hoped he was ready. Because I was.

“Let’s leave,” I whispered into his ear. “I’m ready for you to show me what I’ll be getting for all the years to come.”

He breathed hard and I knew I’d made him nervous.

“Yes, my Dove. I am ready too.”

Dominic took my hand and led me away from the party. As soon as our absence was noticed, the crowd took to cheering and chanting something about the seed for the Dove.

The walk to the suitor cabin was oddly silent. I tried to concentrate on the man next to me but my thoughts kept drifting to Pike. I imagined him standing naked in the suitor cabin, his cock hard and throbbing, that smug look on his face. Then I imagined tying a rope to the end of his dick and wrapping my fist around the other end, pulling until he was crying into my shoulder, begging me to soothe his pain.

I liked that thought. I wanted to cause Pike pain. And I wanted him inside me. He would make beautiful babies. They’d probably be fucking brats but they’d be my beautiful brats.